Understanding a Search & Display campaign: The keys to success

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Search & Display

In the vast world of online marketing, Search & Display campaigns have become essential tools for attracting customers' attention and promoting your business.

To take advantage of these powerful advertising methods, it is important to understand how they work and how to use them effectively.


Search & Display

What is a search campaign?

A search campaign, also known as a campaign of paid referencingis an integral part of Google Ads and consists of creating targeted online advertisements that appear in search results Google when users search for specific keywords related to your product or service.

These ads are generally displayed at the top or bottom of search results pages (SERP) and are designed to attract users' attention and encourage them to click on your ad to find out more or make a purchase.

Advantages of a search campaign

    • Precise targeting: Search campaigns allow you to target exactly the keywords that Internet users use when they search for your products or services. This means that your ads will only be displayed to those who are already interested in what you have to offer.
    • Pay-per-click : With a Search campaign, you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. This means you can control your budget and only pay for actions that are a direct result of interest in your products.
    • Flexibility : Search campaigns can be easily adjusted according to performance. You can change your keywords, geographical targeting, bids or even ad content as required to continually improve results.

What is a Display campaign?

A Display campaign is also part of Google Ads and consists of displaying banner ads on websites that are relevant to your target market.

These visual ads can include images, text, videos or animations and are designed to arouse users' interest and encourage them to click on your ad to find out more about your company or your offer.

Advantages of a Display campaign

    • High visibility : The Display campaigns allow your brand to feature prominently on various websites frequented by your target audience, increasing the likelihood that users will interact with your company.
    • Advanced targeting : As with search campaigns, you can specifically target advertisers and websites that will deliver your message to a wide audience. In addition, you can also target users' interests, demographics and online behaviour to ensure that your ads are delivered to the people most likely to be interested.
    • Creativity : Display campaigns offer great visual value, which means you can create attractive, eye-catching ads to grab your target audience's attention and make them want to find out more about your business.

How to combine Search & Display campaigns effectively

To get the most out of Search & Display campaigns, it's essential to understand how they can be used together to maximise their benefits. With this in mind, there are a number of aspects to consider:

1. Adapt the targeting strategy to the two formats

Your targeting strategy should be adapted to the specifics of each type of campaign. For example, if you target a local market with geographical keywords for your Search campaign, make sure you also target the same region in your Display campaign to strengthen your presence and your chances of attracting the attention of local customers.

2. Diversify your content for each campaign

Use a wide range of content (messages, text, images) for each of your campaigns to ensure you reach different aspects of your customer base.

For example, your Search campaign can focus on specific keywords related to your product or service, while your Display campaign can highlight benefits such as ease of use, price or superior quality.

3. Use data and insights to adjust your campaigns

Regularly analyse the performance of your Search & Display campaigns using the reporting and analysis tools available on Google Ads. Based on this information, you can continually adapt and optimise your ads, keywords and targeting to improve the results obtained.

In conclusion

Search & Display campaigns are a powerful and effective way of reaching your target audience and promoting your business online.

By understanding the specifics of each type of campaign and using best practice to implement them together, you'll increase the chances of success and growth for your business.

What is SEA?

SEA (Search Engine Advertising) is a form of online advertising that enables companies to place ads on search engines.

How does Google Ads work?

Google Ads enables advertisers to create targeted ads based on specific keywords, which are displayed to users when they search on Google.

What's the difference between SEO and SEA?

Le SEO (Search Engine Optimization) involves optimising websites for search engines to improve their natural positioning, while the SEA consists of paying to display ads on search engines.

How does the Google Ads auction work?

The Google Ads auction is a system in which advertisers bid on specific keywords so that their ads are displayed when a user performs a search on Google.

The advertiser who wins the auction and has the best quality ad will have their ad broadcast.

What is Google Ads Quality Score?

The Quality Score is an indicator of the quality of the ad and the landing page to which it links.

This is a score from 1 to 10 that affects the cost and ranking of the ad.

The higher the Quality Score, the better the ad will perform and the cheaper it will cost.

How can I target a specific audience with Google Ads?

Google Ads allows you to target a specific audience using criteria such as geolocation, keywords, interests, age, gender and much more.

What is a Google Ads campaign?

A Google Ads campaign is a set of ads and associated parameters created to achieve a specific objective, such as generating leads or increasing sales.

How do you measure the performance of a Google Ads campaign?

The performance of a Google Ads campaign can be measured using metrics such as cost per click (CPC), conversion rate, click-through rate (CTR), return on investment (ROI) and much more.

What is Google Ads remarketing?

Google Ads remarketing is an advertising targeting method that involves displaying personalised ads to people who have already interacted with your business or website.

What impact does the quality of the landing page have on the performance of a Google Ads ad?

The quality of the landing page has a major impact on the performance of a Google Ads ad, as it can affect the bounce rate and the conversion rate.

A relevant, high-quality landing page can increase the chances of conversion and therefore reduce the cost per acquisition.

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