Mastering retroplanning: 10 key steps to effective planning

by our Digital Strategy Agency Optimize 360

Le project success is often based on rigorous organisation and good management of deadlines.

To do this, it is essential to master the art of retroplanning.

This method involves planning the various tasks required to achieve an objective, starting with the due date.

In this article, we take a look at the 10 key steps to effective retroplanning.


1. Identify the overall objective of the project to frame the schedule

To begin with, it is essential to define precisely thegeneral objective you want to achieve. This will not only enable you to target the various actions to be taken more effectively, but also to set a realistic deadline for completing the project.

2. Identify all the tasks to be carried out

Once the overall objective has been identified, the next step is to draw up a complete list of the tasks to be carried out to bring the project to a successful conclusion. It's important to make sure you don't forget anything to ensure successful planning.

3. Estimate the duration of each task

The tasks identified must then be evaluated in terms of the time needed to complete them. These may be fixed timescales, such as a few hours for drafting a document, or they may be more vague, particularly when they depend on unforeseeable factors.

4. Identify related tasks and the dependency between them

In a project, certain tasks can only be carried out following other prior actions. It is therefore crucial to identify these dependencies between different tasksto take account of the constraints linked to the sequence of activities when planning.

5. Estimate the project deadline

Based on the estimated duration of all the tasks to be carried out, it is then possible to determine a theoretical maturity date for the project. This date may be adjusted at a later date, depending on any delays or progress made during implementation.

Note also that :

  • During this stage, don't hesitate to build in safety margins to anticipate any unforeseen circumstances that could have an impact on deadlines.
  • And don't forget to include time for breaks and recuperation in your schedule, to spare your team and keep them motivated throughout the project.

6. Distribute tasks between team members

The next step is to allocate the various tasks identified to the team members according to their skills and availability. The aim is to optimise the distribution of work to ensure that the project progresses efficiently.

Don't forget to :

  • Delegate as much as possible so that each member of the team can concentrate on his or her areas of expertise.
  • Ensuring good communication within the team to avoid misunderstandings and facilitate the coordination of actions.

7. Building a retro-planning calendar

Based on the data collected during the previous stages, it is possible to build a retro-planning calendar which shows the sequence of the various tasks to be carried out, from the set deadline to the project start date.

8. Regularly monitor the progress of the project

Throughout the project, it is important to regularly monitor the progress of the various tasks to ensure that the deadlines set out in the schedule are met. If delays are noted, the deadlines should be adjusted and the schedule reorganised accordingly.

9. Anticipating potential risks

When planning a project, it is also essential toanticipating potential risks that could hinder progress or cause delays. By identifying them in advance, you can take the necessary steps to minimise their impact on the success of the project.

10. Taking stock at the end of the project

Finally, once the project has been completed and the objectives achieved, it may be useful to take stock of the project. Feedback will enable us to identify both positive and negative points, so that we can improve the management of future projects and adapt the methods used accordingly.

To conclude:

Set up a effective retroplanning is essential to the success of any project. By following these 10 key steps, you'll have everything you need to optimise your planning methods and ensure that your objectives are met on time.

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