Remarketing: a key strategy for boosting digital marketing performance

Through our SEA Agency and our Digital Marketing Agency Optimize 360

Le digital marketing brings together a range of techniques and tools for promoting products or services on the internet.

Among these methods, the remarketingalso known as retargetinghas become an essential lever in online advertising campaigns.

Find out what remarketing is, how it works and its main applications.


What is remarketing and how does it work?

Le remarketing involves targeting Internet users who have already visited your site website or your product pages so that they can see your offers again through personalised advertising inserts.

The aim is to remind previous visitors of the existence of your services and encourage them to return to your site to make a purchase, subscribe to a service, etc. newsletteretc.

Remarketing is generally based on the distribution of advertising banners via display networks such as Google Ads or Facebook.

The different types of remarketing

There are several forms of remarketing, depending on the channels used and the targeting criteria:

  • Remarketing display : This is the most common type of remarketing, displayed for example on partner sites of the Google Display.
  • Social Remarketing : This type of advertising retargeting is carried out on social networks such as Facebook or Twitter. LinkedIn.
  • Video remarketing : The advertisements are presented in the form of videos on platforms such as YouTube.
  • E-mail remarketing : This method involves sending personalised e-mails to visitors who have left their contact details on a previous visit to your site.

Why opt for a remarketing strategy?

Remarketing offers a number of advantages for advertisers wishing to optimise their digital marketing strategy.

Improving return on investment

Remarketing campaigns allow you to target people who have already shown an interest in your products and services. In this way, the chances of conversion are increased, because the advertising message is more in line with the expectations of the target prospect.

Thanks to this greater relevance in ad delivery, the cost per acquisition (CPA) is generally lower than with traditional campaigns. This means you can save money on your advertising budget while getting a better return.

Boost your brand awareness

Thanks to the adverts regularly displayed to Internet users who have visited your pages, remarketing helps to improve your brand's visibility and imprint it on the minds of your prospects. Advertising retargeting campaigns are therefore an effective way of strengthening your online presence and raising your company's profile in the marketplace.

Win back lost visitors

Visitors often abandon their shopping baskets before completing their purchases, leaving your site without generating any revenue. Thanks to remarketing, you can remind these visitors of the existence of their pending basket by means of personalised ads encouraging them, for example, to come and take advantage of a special offer or complete an uncompleted order. In this way, remarketing enables you to recover some of the customers you lose and improve your website's overall conversion rate.

How do you set up a remarketing system?

To create and manage effective remarketing campaigns, here are a few steps to follow:

1. Configure visitor tracking

In order to target visitors to your site, you first need to set up a visitor tracking tool. This generally consists of a tag (or "tag") to be inserted in the source code of the pages concerned.

In this way, you can collect the data needed to run remarketing campaigns, such as the pages consulted or the products added to the shopping basket.

2. Creating customised audience lists

Depending on the objectives of your campaign and your targeting criteria, you then need to create lists of audiences segmented according to the browsing behaviour observed.

For example, you can create a list of visitors who have abandoned their shopping basket, another list of visitors who have specifically consulted your promotional offers, etc. The aim is to improve the relevance of the advertising message by proposing each audience an offer tailored to their needs.

3. Design attractive ads

The success of your remarketing campaigns also depends on the quality of your adverts.

It is therefore essential to design eye-catching visuals and powerful messages that will capture the attention of your prospects. Make sure you highlight your products or services, include clear, motivating calls to action, and take care with the overall aesthetics of your adverts to optimise their impact on your audience.

4. Analyse the results and adjust your strategy

Finally, it is vital to monitor the performance of your remarketing campaigns on a regular basis and to learn from them in order to continually improve your system. So don't hesitate to test different types of ad, formats, targeting criteria, etc., to find the best combination to maximise your impact and adjust your strategy accordingly.

In short, the remarketing is an essential approach to optimising your digital marketing strategy and get the best possible results.

Whether you want to improve your return on investment, boost brand awareness or win back lost visitors, this technique offers you a range of opportunities to boost the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns.

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Our Paris Digital Agency is the first to have been created in 2012 by its founder Frédéric POULET

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Headed by Franck La Pinta, Optimize 360 has branches throughout the PACA region.

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Headed by Jean-François Hartwig, Optimize 360 has two SEO agencies in Switzerland:

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