Specifications for website redesign: definition and importance

by our Web Agency Optimize 360

The redesign of a website is a crucial stage in the life of a company or organisation.

This may be to modernise their image, improve their user interface or add new features.

This approach must therefore be carefully thought out and planned in order to reap all the possible benefits.

This is where the famous specifications site redesignThis is an essential tool for making a success of this key stage.

Redesign specifications

What are specifications?

A specification is a formal document that precisely defines the needs and objectives of a project.

It acts as a guide for the parties involved (customer, service provider, project manager, etc.) by setting out all the technical, functional, graphic and ergonomic constraints to be taken into account. Specifications are used in many fields, including construction, IT and, in this case, website redesign.

The different types of specifications

There are several types of specifications, depending on the nature of the project concerned. These include :

  • The functional specifications document (CDCF): this describes the expected functionalities of the future site, without going into the technical details of implementation.
  • The technical specifications document (CDCT): this details the technical aspects of the future project, from the choice of programming languages to the design constraints.accommodation including safety issues.

These two types of specifications are often combined in a single document to facilitate exchanges between stakeholders and avoid misunderstandings. It is in this context that we will be talking more specifically about site redesign specificationswhich includes both functional and technical elements.

Why are specifications essential for a website redesign?

There are several reasons why it is essential to draw up a set of specifications before launching a site redesign:

  1. Clarifying needs and expectations The project brief: the project brief brings together all the ideas, needs and objectives of the stakeholders to create a shared vision of the project. In this way, it helps to avoid misunderstandings and delays caused by changes made along the way.
  2. Determine the budget required With a clear picture of the expected functionality and technical constraints, it is much easier to assess the overall cost of the project and allocate a realistic budget.
  3. Promoting good communication between stakeholders By establishing a common language and formalising everyone's expectations, the specifications facilitate communication and allow everyone to work in peace.
  4. Benefit from a control and monitoring tool Once completed, the specifications can be used as a basis for monitoring the progress of the project and ensuring that it meets the requirements initially defined.

How do you draw up specifications for a website redesign?

Writing a specification for a website redesign may seem complex, but by following a few key steps, it can be done effectively:

  1. Analyse the existing situation and determine the objectives of the redesign The ideal starting point is an in-depth analysis of the current site (visitor statistics, functionalities, navigation, etc.) to identify its strengths and weaknesses. On this basis, we then define the main objectives of the redesign (modernisation, improved ergonomics, addition of new functions, etc.).
  2. Determine the expected functionalities This is a precise list of all the functions you want the future site to have, both front-end (navigation, content display, user interaction) and back-end (data management, security, administration module, etc.).
  3. Establish technical and graphic constraints The technical scope of the project (programming languages, hosting, security) and the design requirements (colours, fonts, logo, etc.) should be defined here.
  4. Write detailed specifications For each of the functionalities and constraints mentioned above, a precise description must be drawn up to clearly define expectations and facilitate understanding between the stakeholders.
  5. Define a schedule and an overall budget Finally, it is important to draw up a provisional timetable for the various phases of the project (design, development, testing, going live), as well as an overall budget including all the costs associated with the redesign.

By following these steps, you will have a site redesign specifications solid and efficient. All that remains is to find the ideal service provider to accompany you on this exciting and challenging adventure.

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