The benefits of an SEO browser extension in 10 points

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SEO ranking factors

Today, natural referencing is essential for anyone wishing to optimise the visibility of their site. website and attract targeted traffic.

To do this, it is essential to take into account the ranking criteria used by search engines, such as Google.

In this article, we present an overview of the 10 main SEO ranking factors that you need to master.

Classification factors

1. Quality of content: the importance of a rich, relevant text

The first step to successful SEO is to provide Internet users with the right information. quality contentthat will precisely meet their expectations and needs. In particular, this requires a carefully written, structured text and a clearly identified theme. Search engines favour sites that offer informative, unique and interesting content.

Product sheets in the e-commerce sector

For players in the e-commerceWhen it comes to product listings, it is particularly important to take care when writing product sheets to ensure good positioning on search engine results pages. By providing detailed, accurate information enriched with visuals, you increase your chances of appearing at the top of search results.

2. Keywords: the strategic choice for successful referencing

The keywords are essential for directing users to your content based on their search engine queries. It is therefore crucial to select the most relevant terms to describe your products or services, ensuring that they have a certain search volume and an appropriate level of competition.

Main keyword and secondary keywords

To optimise your referencing, don't hesitate to work with several keywords: a keyword around which your page will be built, and secondary keywords that will complement and enrich your content. This will improve the search engines' understanding of your topic and attract more varied traffic.

3. Site structure: organisation to facilitate access to information

A well-organised and structured site makes it easier for the indexing robots search engines, which can then access the different pages on your site more easily and understand their relative importance. So make sure you design a clear and logical tree structure, with coherent menus and internal links.

4. Site responsiveness: speed of display to build visitor loyalty

La loading speed of your site has a direct impact on visitor satisfaction and on your search engine ranking. A slow site discourages visitors, who are likely to leave the page quickly and look elsewhere. It is therefore important to pay close attention to this, in particular by optimising your images and making sure you use a accommodation fast.

5. Mobile compatibility: adapting to all screens to reach as many users as possible

With the advent of smartphones and tablets, browsing the internet from a mobile device now accounts for more than half of all online visits. So it's crucial to offer a website that's adaptive and compatible with these devices to appeal to web users and show search engines that your content is accessible to everyone.

6. Backlinks: a network of incoming links to build your reputation

Search engines also attach great importance to the popularity and notoriety of sites, which they assess in particular through the inbound links. To be well referenced, you need to obtain backlinks quality links from recognised sites with similar themes to your own. The more relevant links you obtain, the better your ranking will be.

Guest posting and relations with influencers

To increase the number of backlinks pointing to your site, there are several techniques available: guest posting (writing guest articles for blogs partners), partnerships with influencers or providing interesting resources on your site that can be relayed by other players in your sector.

7. Technical criteria: tagging and optimisation of meta tags

To ensure that search engines correctly identify your content, it is important to take care with its technical requirementsin particular with regard to beaconing HTML and meta tags (title, description, etc.). These must be filled in clearly and precisely to make it easier for the indexing robots to understand your page.

Micro-data and rich snippets

It is also possible to use micro-data elements to enrich your HTML code and provide search engines with additional information about your content. The rich snippets are a concrete example, allowing additional elements to be displayed in search results: customer reviewsstar ratings, prices...

8. Presence on social networks: popularity signals valued by search engines

Although their direct impact on search engine optimisation is still debated, there is no doubt that signals from social networks (shares, "likes", comments, etc.) play a role in the perceived relevance and popularity of your site. By actively participating in social media, you can send out a strong signal to the search engines while increasing your visibility to Internet users.

9. Internal linking: creating connections between your pages to enhance the visitor experience

Le internal networking is an optimisation technique that consists of creating links between the different pages of your site, based on their relevance and complementarity. This helps to improve navigation for web users and gives search engines a better understanding of your site's structure and content.

Link anchoring and thematic internal linking

The quality of internal linking depends in particular on the choice of anchors (link text): make sure you use descriptive and relevant text for each link, which corresponds to the content of the target page. Similarly, favour internal linking that is consistent in terms of themes, to make the work of the indexing robots easier.

10. Site security: reassuring users and search engines

Finally, security is a criterion that is increasingly taken into account in search engine algorithms. A site considered to be insecure will be disadvantaged by the algorithms, especially if it manages sensitive data (online payments, personal information, etc.). Investing in an SSL certificate and enhanced security protocols is therefore essential.

By working conscientiously on these 10 SEO ranking factors and regularly adapting your strategy in line with changes in the search engines, you will significantly optimise your site's visibility and performance on the web.

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