Understanding RankBrain in SEO: Definition and impact

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In the world of SEO, it's essential to keep abreast of the latest technological advances in search algorithms.

One of the key concepts to know and understand is RankBraindeveloped by Google to improve the quality of research results and make theuser experience more relevant.

In this article, we'll explore the SEO definition of RankBrain, how this artificial intelligence plays a major role in website ranking and what the best practices are for optimising your site in line with this evolving technology.

RankBrain in SEO

What is RankBrain?

RankBrain is an algorithm for machine learning developed by Google, which uses the artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques to better interpret search queries and deliver more accurate and relevant results to users.

Designed primarily to understand intentions and ambiguous keywords, this intelligent computer system has helped Google to efficiently manage the billions of new searches carried out every day.

How does RankBrain work?

The RankBrain algorithm uses a system that combines the technologies ofautomatic learning and artificial neural networks. This combination enables it to process and interpret data very quickly and accurately. Here are some of RankBrain's key features:

  • Keyword analysis : RankBrain analyses key words entered in the search bar to understand the context of the query and determine which results would be most relevant to the user's intention.

  • Relevance measurement : Using machine learning techniques, RankBrain ranks web pages according to their relevance to the query in order to provide users with the best possible information.

  • Monitoring user behaviour : RankBrain tracks users' behaviour on Google, including clicks, time spent on a page and the number of clicks. bounce rateto improve the ranking of web pages that meet user expectations.

So, instead of relying strictly on textual content and links like the old algorithms, RankBrain is able to take several criteria and factors into account to assess the quality and relevance of a web page in relation to user queries.

RankBrain and SEO: Why is it important?

The arrival of RankBrain has changed the SEO landscape. As RankBrain is an evolving and adaptive algorithm, SEO strategies must also evolve to remain competitive in this new context. Optimising for RankBrain requires some adjustment to traditional SEO methods, with particular attention paid to key elements:

Informative and relevant content

The content created for your site must not only be optimised for keywords, but also informative and interesting for the reader. The more useful information you can provide to your visitors, the more likely RankBrain will judge your page to be relevant and rank it highly.

Long tail keywords and conversational queries

RankBrain is particularly good at handling long and complex queries, which can often be ambiguous or misspelled. By incorporating natural phrases and long-tail keywords, you can increase the chances of your content being considered relevant by RankBrain when it analyses these types of searches.

Optimised user experience (UX)

Web pages need to offer a satisfying and user-friendly experience to rank higher in search results. Optimise your UX by focusing on responsive design, fast loading times and a intuitive navigation.

Conclusion: Best SEO practices for RankBrain

When looking to optimise your site for RankBrain, bear in mind that this is an intelligent, evolving algorithm that is constantly seeking to improve the quality of search results for users. To maximise your chances of success, consider the following practices:

  1. Produce informative and relevant content: Create content that meets both the needs and interests of your audience. audience target.
  2. Optimise long-tail keywords and conversational queries: Target complex and ambiguous searches using natural phrases and specific key expressions.
  3. Improve the user experience (UX): Invest in a responsive and intuitive design to provide the best possible experience for visitors to your site.
  4. Follow Google's updates: Keep abreast of the latest trends and updates in the field of natural referencing, so that you can adapt your strategies accordingly.

When you take these recommendations on board and regularly update your site in line with the latest advances in the world of natural referencing, you'll be able to effectively optimise your ranking and visibility on Google thanks to RankBrain.

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