Understanding position monitoring in SEO: A 10-point analysis

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What is position tracking in SEO?

The role of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) in the ranking of websites on search engines is indisputable.

Among the various facets of SEO, position tracking plays an important role in assessing a site's performance.

In this article, we will look at 10 key aspects of position monitoring in SEO.

Position tracking

1. What is position tracking?

Position tracking is the act of monitoring and analysing on a daily basis the classification of a website in search engine results such as Google on a specific set of key words. The aim is to determine whether the SEO strategies implemented are effective and to detect any problems.

2. Why is position tracking crucial in SEO?

Position tracking in SEO enables web users to understand how their pages rank in relation to competitors. It also offers the possibility ofidentify opportunities to improve visibility pages. Regular monitoring ensures that you don't miss out on any changes in position or significant drops in traffic, enabling you to adjust your SEO strategies quickly.

The main benefits of position tracking :

    • Evaluating the profitability of SEO campaigns It is used to measure a site's progress and assess the effectiveness of current SEO tactics.
    • Know your competitors Position monitoring allows you to understand the competition so that you can adjust your own SEO strategy to improve your ranking in the search engines. SERP (Search Engine Results Pages).
    • Implement corrective actions It helps to quickly identify pages that are underperforming or that have fallen off, giving you the opportunity to take action to resolve any problems.

3. How do you measure a website's ranking?

To check the position of a page on the Google search engine, you don't need to use a special tool. All you have to do is enter the key words in the search bar to see where the page appears. However, there are a number of advantages to using a dedicated position-tracking solution, including the ability to automate data collection, track a large number of keywords and analyse trends over time.

4. The main factors affecting a site's ranking

Google's ranking system is complex and takes into account more than 200 criteria. Here are a few important examples:

  • Quality content : websites providing relevant, up-to-date information are given priority in search engines.
  • Keyword optimisation : judicious use of keywords and reasonable keyword density enable sites to rank for specific searches.
  • User experience (UX): a intuitive navigationa loading speed fast and a site adapted to different screen formats are all factors taken into account by Google when it comes to ranking web pages.

5. Position tracking for main keywords or long tail?

To maximise the effectiveness of SEO positioning tracking, it is essential to monitor both the main keywords or "head terms and those of the long tail. The main keywords correspond to short, generic expressions with a specific meaning. search volume high. The long tail, on the other hand, encompasses terms that are more specific and generally less used in searches. Concentrating your efforts solely on the main keywords means neglecting all the potential traffic that long-tail searches can bring.

6. Estimating the impact of a change in position

A variation in a site's position impacts not only its visibility but also the level of traffic it receives. A number of studies show that the first search results attract around 30% of clicks, while the second and third-ranked pages receive only 15% and 10% respectively. Each additional rung up the ladder results in a significant reduction in the number of clicks.

7. Measuring the click-through rate (CTR) as a function of position

Position monitoring should be accompanied by an examination of the click-through rate to assess whether changes in positions are linked to variations in traffic. The Google tool Search Console offers a detailed view of the CTR (click-through rate), search volume, number of impressions and clicksThis enables information to be analysed not only by keyword, but also by web page and time period.

8. Analyse the mobile/computer split

With the rapid evolution of technologies and the increase in content consumption on smartphones, it is becoming essential to differentiate position tracking between computers and mobile devices. Positioning differences and user behaviour vary greatly depending on the medium.

9. Understanding position tracking metrics

Some of the important measures to follow in a position tracking report include :

  • Average position This represents your website's average ranking on a set of keywords over time.
  • Evolution of positioning : this measure assesses the variation in your site's ranking from one period to the next.
  • Click-through rate (CTR) This shows the proportion of users who visit your site after clicking on the search engine results for a specific group of keywords.

10. Adapt your SEO strategy accordingly

Finally, position tracking is only really useful if it enables you to take concrete action to improve your search engine optimisation and, ultimately, your overall performance. Use position tracking analyses to evaluate your current and future strategies,

  • identify opportunities for new content
  • optimise meta tags and the page title
  • improve the user experience (UX), etc.
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