Understanding the personalised search experience in SEO

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Personalised search experience

In the world of digital marketing and search engine optimisation, it is essential to understand the different aspects that govern the visibility of a site. website.

A key element not to be overlooked is the personalised search experience in SEO.

In this article, we take a look at 10 key points to help you discover its specific features.

Personalised search experience

1. What is the personalised search experience?

The personalised search experience is an approach based on personalising search results for each user. It consists of adapting the results displayed according to the user's preferences and browsing behaviour, in order to offer a tailored and optimal experience.

2. How does personalisation work?

Google uses several factors to personalise the display of search results. These factors include

  • Previous searches : if a user has carried out similar searches in the past, Google can use this information to propose contextual and relevant results.
  • Location: the user's geolocation also influences the way the results are presented, giving priority to nearby sites and businesses.
  • Browsing behaviour : Google takes into account the sites visited and the content consulted by the user to offer results in line with their interests and browsing habits.

3. Why personalise the search experience?

The main aim of personalising the search experience is to improve the relevance and quality of the results offered to Internet users. By adapting the content displayed to each user, Google seeks to make the answers more precise and thus facilitate the discovery of new relevant resources in line with their expectations.

4. The impact of the personalised search experience on SEO

Personalising the search experience means that results can vary from one user to another, even for the same query. This has a significant impact on SEO:

  • Fluctuating positions: As the results are tailored to each user, it becomes more difficult to assess a website's actual position based on traditional rankings alone.
  • Ongoing optimisation work: To appear in the personalised results, you need to continually work on improving your natural referencing, particularly in terms of content and interaction with users.

5. The central role of keywords

Despite these fluctuations, keywords remain a fundamental element in guaranteeing good visibility on search engines. It is therefore important to carry out in-depth research into the keywords that are relevant to your business, and to optimise their use in your content:

  • Use specific keywords: To appear in the personalised results, we recommend targeting long-tail keywords, which are more precise and less competitive.
  • Create varied content: To reach a wider audience, don't hesitate to cover different topics related to your expertise, using a variety of keywords.

6. The importance of relevant, high-quality content

To offer a successful personalised search experience, Google favours sites that publish high-quality, relevant content. You therefore need to ensure that you offer content that meets the expectations of your visitors. audience :

  • Write informative content: showcase your expertise and offer useful and interesting information in your field.
  • Update your publications regularly: update your content frequently and publish new articles to keep your readers interested.

7. The role of inbound links

Personalising results means that links from other sites are taken into account to adjust the display of results. In this way, obtaining backlinks quality remains crucial:

  • Get links from trusted sites: The authority and relevance of the sites linking to your content are essential criteria for referencing.
  • Put in place a netlinking : actively work on obtaining partnerships with other sites, in order to improve your visibility and increase your presence in personalised results.

8. Mobile optimisation

With the explosion in the number of users browsing the internet from their smartphones, mobile optimisation has become essential:

  • Offer a responsive site: make sure your site displays correctly on all screens, and adapt your graphics and text accordingly.
  • Improve loading speed : to ensure user experience your site should load quickly, even on a weaker mobile connection.

9. The use of structured data

The structured data allow search engines to better understand the content of your site and can therefore boost your ranking in personalised results:

  • Use the Schema.org : These tags clearly indicate to search engines the type of content present on your site (articles, events, products, etc.).
  • Optimise your extracts : the Rich Snippets is additional information that is displayed in the search results and can encourage visitors to click on your site. Make sure you enter this information accurately.

10. Analysing performance and adjusting strategy

Finally, to take full advantage of the personalised search experience in SEO, it is essential to regularly analyse your site's performance and adjust your strategy accordingly:

  • Use analysis tools : Google AnalyticsGoogle Search Console or third-party software will enable you to track the progress of your referencing and measure the impact of your actions.
  • Adapt and revise your strategy: The results will help you to identify the strengths and areas for improvement in your SEO, so that you can continually optimise your visibility in the customised results.
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