Understanding SEO Performance Monitoring: 10 key elements

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Performance monitoring is one of the fundamental elements of search engine optimisation (SEO).

To ensure good visibility and increase traffic on a websiteIt is essential to monitor its performance regularly.

Here are ten points you need to know about Performance Monitoring in SEO.

Performance Monitoring

1. Definition of Performance Monitoring in SEO

Le SEO Performance Monitoring consists of analysing and monitoring the various data relating to the performance of a website in order to evaluate and optimise its positioning in search results. This approach makes it possible to identify strengths and areas for improvement in order to continually improve the site's natural referencing.

2. The difference between audit and monitoring

SEO auditing should not be confused with SEO monitoring. L'SEO audit corresponds to an in-depth examination of the website, aimed at determining the factors that positively or negatively influence its positioning in search engines. For its part, the SEO monitoring involves constant monitoring of the site's performance, with the aim of studying the results obtained thanks to the actions taken following the initial audit, but also of detecting opportunities for optimisation and adjustment over time.

3. Key performance indicators (KPIs)

SEO Performance Monitoring is based on the analysis of key performance indicatorsor KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). These indicators are used to measure the success of the actions and strategies put in place to improve the ranking of a website. The KPIs that are essential for SEO include :

  • Organic traffic: number of visitors arriving on the site via search engines.
  • Le bounce rate Percentage of visitors who leave the page without taking any action (clicking on a link, filling in a form, etc.).
  • Average length of visit: time spent by a user on the site.
  • The rate of conversion : proportion of visitors who carry out a desired action (purchase, registration, download, etc.).
  • Positioning in the SERP (Search Engine Results Pages): ranking of site pages in search results.

4. SEO monitoring tools

To effectively monitor your site's SEO performance, it is essential to rely on monitoring tools. These provide you with valuable information such as :

  • Changes in the positions of your pages in search results (e.g. Google Search Console).
  • Trends in keywords related to your sector of activity and their impact on your positioning (e.g.: the number of visitors to your site, the number of visitors to your site, etc.). SEMrush).
  • Analysis of backlinks of your site and your competitors in order to optimise your inbound link profile (eg. Ahrefs).

5. The importance of structured data for Performance Monitoring

The structured data allow search engines to better understand the content of your site, to improve its visibility in the results and therefore to monitor its performance more accurately. Google offers a free tool called Structured Data Test, which can be used to check whether the tags used are correctly configured.

6. Monitoring page load times

Technical optimisation of your site involves loading time pages, a key factor in theuser experience and SEO performance. Several free tools (such as Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix) will enable you to check and improve this criterion.

7.1 Mobile compatibility

You should also make sure that your site is fully compatible with mobile devices, as this aspect has a significant impact on natural referencing. Tools such as Google Mobile-Friendly Test can help you check this compatibility.

7.2 Accessibility for indexing robots

To ensure good positioning in search results, it is essential to ensure that indexing robots can access and read all the pages on your site. Tools such as Screaming Frog SEO Spider can identify potential errors (broken links, ineffective redirects, etc.) and correct them quickly.

8. Monitoring backlinks

The backlinks - links from other sites pointing to yours - are a key element of natural referencing. They contribute to the reputation and trust granted by search engines. It is therefore important to regularly monitor the links pointing to your site to prevent the risk of spam, toxic links) and optimise your inbound link profile.

9. Competitive analysis

Performance monitoring in SEO also involves analysing the competition. Observe what your competitors are doing in terms of content, site structure, keyword strategy and backlinks to draw inspiration from their successes or identify new opportunities.

10. A continuous optimisation process

Finally, it should be remembered that SEO Performance Monitoring should not be seen as a one-off action, but rather as a continuous process of improvement. Search engine algorithms change frequently, as do user behaviour and market trends. That's why it's crucial to constantly monitor your website's performance so that you can adjust and adapt your strategy accordingly.

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