Understanding on-page optimisation in SEO: the 10 key elements

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On-page optimisation

On-page optimisation is an essential component of the referencing naturalalso known as SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

It helps improve the ranking of your website in search engine results such as Google.

In this article, we'll look at the 10 points to bear in mind if you want to optimise each page of your site effectively.

On-page optimisation

1. Use a main keyword

To ensure that your pages are well referenced, it is essential to choose a keyword for each of them. This keyword should be used throughout the page, particularly in the title, meta-description and URL. It should also be used in the various headings and sub-headings that structure your content.

Example of a choice of main keyword:

If you are writing an article about making a chocolate cake, you can choose the main keyword "chocolate cake". You will then need to use it several times in your text, without overusing it so as not to penalise your SEO.

2. Write a unique and relevant title tag

The title tag is one of the most important elements for your page's SEO. It must be written in a unique way for each page of your site and include the main keyword. It should be concise and reflect the content of the page, while encouraging the user to click on the result in the search engines.

Example of a title tag :

How to make a delicious chocolate cake: our step-by-step recipe

3. Create a catchy meta-description

The meta-description is a short summary of the content of your page that appears below the title in the search engine results. It should be written uniquely for each page and include the main keyword. A good meta-description can greatly improve the rate of clicks on your website from the results pages.

Example of a meta-description :

4. Use short, clear URLs

The URL of your page should be short and contain the main keyword. Long, complex URLs can be detrimental to theuser experience and make it more difficult for people to understand what the page is about. indexing robots.

Example URL:


5. Structure your content with relevant headings and sub-headings

The content of your page must be structured using headings ( <h2>tags) and, if necessary, subheadings ( <h3>, <h4>etc.). This makes it easier for the user to read and enables search engines to better understand the content of the page. Headings should also contain the main keyword where relevant.

Example of a heading:

<h2>The essential ingredients for a successful chocolate cake</h2>

6. Write unique, high-quality content

To stand out from your competitors and appeal to your visitors, it is important to offer unique content on your pages. Avoid copying and pasting content from other websites and take the time to write original, well-structured text that is easy to read.

7. Use optimised images with relevant alt attributes

The use of images on your website is not only beneficial for the user experience, but also for SEO. Make sure you use good quality images and optimise their weight so as not to slow down page loading. Also add an alternative text ("alt" attribute) to each image, including the main keyword if possible.

Example of alt attribute :

<img src=" »gateau-au-chocolat.jpg »" alt=" &quot;Cake" au chocolat maison »>

8. Ensuring good loading speed

La loading speed of a page is an important factor in user experience and search engine optimisation. A page that loads quickly makes it easier to hold visitors' attention and achieve a higher ranking in search engine results. To improve the loading speed of your pages, optimise your code, compress your images and use a good web host.

9. Making your website mobile-friendly

With an ever-increasing number of users browsing the Internet from their mobile phones, it's vital that your website is adapted to these devices. A "responsive" site automatically adjusts to the size of the visitor's screen, guaranteeing an optimal user experience whatever the device used.

10. Make your site easier to navigate

To offer your visitors the best possible experience and encourage them to consult other pages on your site, it is essential to make navigation easy. Clearly present the different content categories, add a menu visible and include relevant internal links on each of your pages. Don't forget to add a breadcrumb trail and a site map to help search engines index your content correctly.

By applying these 10 on-page optimisation elements to your website, you will significantly improve its SEO and attract more visitors. And don't forget to work on theoff-page optimisationIn order to maximise your chances of success, you need to obtain quality inbound links.

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