Google Local Pack definition

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In a world where the internet plays a major role in the search for information, it is essential for local businesses and shops to have a presence on the web. This is where Google Local Packwhich provides excellent visibility for local establishments.

But what are the specifics of this Google option? In this article, our SEO Agency takes a look at its definition and usefulness.

Please note that you must first register on Google Business Profile, to hope to move up the Google Local Pack.

Local Pack

What is the Google Local Pack?

Formerly known as Google Local, the Google Local Pack is a feature introduced by the web giant to improve the visibility of local businesses on search engine results pages (SERP).

When a user performs a proximity search or a search that includes geographical terms, Google generally displays this module of three local results - also known as a "3-pack" - associated with a map.

This format gives priority to businesses located close to the Internet user, enabling them to quickly access relevant information such as their address, opening hours or telephone number.

How is this localised response from Google constructed?

A combination of determining factors

In order to provide users with answers tailored to their needs, Google takes a number of factors into account when displaying search results in its Local Pack. Here are the main factors that influence display:

    • Relevance: The search engine analyses the correspondence between the keywords entered by the user and the information provided by local businesses.
    • Distance : Google takes into account the user's geographical location and nearby businesses. The Local Pack therefore highlights businesses located close to the user.
    • Authority: The quality and number of customer reviews on Google My Businessas well as the age and popularity of the website are all factors taken into consideration to determine a company's authority and its presence in the Local Pack.

Advantageous promotion for selected companies

Integrating the Google Local Pack gives you greater visibility on the results pages.

In addition to the Google My Business listing, each result is accompanied by a link to the establishment's website and a link to directions via Google Maps.

What's more, users' opinions are also displayed in the form of stars, which can encourage people to choose one business over another on the basis of customer satisfaction.

How can I optimise my presence in the Google Local Pack?

Taking care of your Google My Business listing

If you want to appear in the Local Pack results, it's vital that you fill in your Google My Business details correctly and optimise them. Here are a few tips on how to achieve this:

    • Complete all the necessary information: address, telephone number, opening times, etc. It is essential that the user has complete and up-to-date contact details for your establishment.
    • Add attractive photos: images are a major asset in attracting the attention of Internet users and making them want to visit your business.
    • Responding to customer feedback: it shows your commitment and seriousness to your customers.
    • Update your file regularly: A detailed listing that is regularly updated is more likely to be highlighted by Google.

Work on your local referencing

As well as optimising your Google My Business listing, you should also work on your local SEO to maximise your chances of appearing in the Local Pack. To do this, you need to :

    1. Promote local keywords : Including geographical terms in your titles, meta-descriptions and content can be beneficial for targeting a specific target group. audience local specific.
    2. Obtaining backlinks premises : it is important to obtain links from quality local sites, such as professional directories or local events and partner sites.
    3. Optimising the site for voice search : Since voice searches are constantly on the increase, adapting your content using natural language and complete sentences can be beneficial for taking advantage of this trend.

In short, the Google Local Pack represents a major opportunity for local businesses to stand out from the crowd and attract the attention of Internet users.

By focusing on optimising your Google My Business listing and local referencing, it becomes easier to appear in these privileged results and benefit from greater visibility with your target customers.

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