Understanding the Organic Share of Voice in SEO: a 10-point guide

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Organic Share of Voice

The Organic Share of Voice (OSV) is an essential measurement for SEO professionals and website owners.

In this article, we explain what this metric is, why it's important and how to improve it.

Organic Share of Voice

1. Definition of Organic Share of Voice

L'Organic Share of Voice is a metric that gives an idea of the volume of organic traffic from search engines attributed to a given website compared with its competitors. It is generally expressed as a percentage, making it easy to compare SEO performance between several players in the same sector.

2. Importance of the Organic Share of Voice

The OSV is a key indicator for evaluating the visibility of a website on search engines. The higher the percentage, the more your site is visible and attractive to Internet users. A good OSV is a guarantee of qualified traffic, d'commitment and conversions. Improving this metric should therefore be at the heart of your SEO strategies.

3. How is the Organic Share of Voice calculated?

To obtain the value of the OSV, you first need to identify the keywords that generate traffic on your site and those of your competitors. Next, you need to estimate the volume of monthly searches for these keywords and determine the share of clicks that each site receives as a function of its organic position on the results pages. Finally, divide the number of clicks received for your site by the total volume of clicks to obtain the percentage value of the OSV.


Let's imagine three websites that are positioned on a keyword with 1,000 searches per month. Visit CTR (click-through rate) estimated for their respective positions is : 30% for the first position, 15% for the second position, and 10% for the third position. The OSV calculation would be: (30/55)x100 = 54.5%

4. Using SEO tools to measure Organic Share of Voice

Performing this calculation manually can be tedious, especially if you have a large number of keywords to analyse. There are several SEO tools that can automate this task and quickly provide you with accurate data on the OSV of your site and your competitors. Tools such as Moz, SEMRush or Ahrefs are an easy way of estimating this percentage and tracking your performance.

5. Analysis of the Organic Share of Voice

Once you know your OSV, it's important to assess the extent of the work that needs to be done to improve your positioning. Carry out a detailed analysis of your keywords and those of your competitors in order to identify areas for improvement. SEO opportunitiesThese include poorly exploited or uncompetitive keywords that could enable you to gain visibility quickly.

6. Improving content to boost Organic Share of Voice

Content is the cornerstone of any successful SEO strategy. To increase your organic share of voice, you need to work on the quality and relevance of your pages. Adapt your content to your target audience's expectations and provide added value compared with competing sites. Also optimise the internal networking between your pages to make it easier for users to navigate and for search engines to understand your site.

7. Technical optimisation

As well as content, the technical optimisation of your site is crucial to improving your SOS. Work on theergonomics (ease of navigation, speed of loading...), the security (SSL certificate, protection against attacks, etc.), and make sure that your site is responsive (mobile-friendly). Search engines take these factors into account in their ranking algorithms, which has a direct impact on your Organic Share of Voice.

8. The role of backlinks

Inbound links, or backlinksare another decisive factor in improving your OSV. From quality links from recognised and relevant sites in your field can boost the credibility of your site and its ranking in search results. Think about developing a netlinking targeted and solid.

9. Encouraging user engagement

The more people interact with your site (commenting, sharing, subscribing, etc.), the more interesting and relevant the search engines will consider your content to be. So encourage your visitors to get involved by offering clear calls to action, social features (sharing, comments, etc.) and interactive content (quizzes, polls, etc.).

10. Monitoring and adjusting SEO actions to optimise Organic Share of Voice

Finally, it is essential to regularly monitor changes in your OSV and those of your competitors in order to adapt your SEO strategy if necessary. Don't hesitate to test different actions and tactics to identify those that will have the greatest impact on this metric. OSV optimisation is certainly a long-term process, but the rewards in terms of visibility, traffic and conversions are well worth the effort.

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