A guide to optimising the user journey in 10 key steps

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Optimising the user journey

In digital marketing, it is essential to offer the best possible experience to visitors to your website

Improving the user experience plays a crucial role in this process, as it aims to simplify and facilitate access to the information sought and the actions desired by the user.

In this article, we're going to take a look at 10 key points for optimising the user journey on your site.

Optimising the user journey

1. Assess the current state of your site

Before diving headlong into user journey optimisation, take the time to analyse your website to identify areas for improvement. Tools such as Google Analytics or Hotjar can help you to understand user behaviour, traffic sources and the most frequently visited pages.

2. Identify your personas

To propose a relevant user path, it is essential to know your visitors well. Identify the typical profiles of your users (personas), taking into account their demographic, psychological and behavioural characteristics. This will help you to anticipate their needs and expectations when they browse your site.

3. Define your site's objectives

You need to be clear about what you want to achieve with your site: convert visitors into customers, provide information about your products/services, gather contact information, etc. This definition of objectives will then enable you to optimise the user journey to make it easier to achieve these goals.

4. Simplify navigation

Make sure your site is easy to navigate by limiting the number of clicks required to access key pages. Give preference to clear, visible menus and links, avoiding hidden or inaccessible elements. Visit 3 clicks maximum" slogan is often mentioned as a reminder of the importance of simplifying navigation.

5. Calls to action (CTA)

The CTA (call to action) invite the user to carry out a specific action on your site, such as registering for a newsletterThey can also download a document, share content or add a product to the shopping basket. They must be visible, attractive and attractivewithout being too aggressive.

6. Offer an optimised mobile experience

With the growing importance of mobile traffic, it's vital to offer a mobile-friendly version of your site. This involves not only a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes, but also a ergonomics designed specifically for smartphone users, with buttons and links large enough to be clicked with a finger.

7. Make it easy to find information

An effective internal search engine can greatly improve theuser experience by making it easy for your visitors to find the information or products they are looking for. You should also make sure that essential information, such as your contact details and opening hours, is clearly displayed on all pages.

8. Use clear, accessible language

Tailor your speech to your audience target audience: avoid technical jargon or terms that are too complex for novices, and always keep the message simple and clear. Don't hesitate to add visuals and interactive elements to make your content more attractive.

9. Optimise performance

A fast site is a key factor in delivering a good user experience. Work on the loading speed of your pages, in particular by optimising the size and resolution of images, and remove unnecessary or obsolete scripts that could slow down response times.

10. Test, analyse, adjust

To make sure you offer an optimal user experience, regularly put your site to the test by carrying out user tests, such as eyetracking or clicktracking analyses. Analyse the results and learn from them to continually adjust and improve your interface.

By following these 10 key steps, you will be able to significantly improve the user experience on your website, which will result in greater visitor satisfaction and an increase in conversions. Don't forget that optimising the user journey should be an ongoing process, to be adapted as your business evolves and your audience's expectations change.

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