The ultimate guide to optimising rich cards for SEO: 10 key points

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Optimising rich cards

Rich cards are a further development of the rich snippets and enable more information to be displayed on search engine results pages such as Google.

Optimising rich cards in SEO is an essential part of improving the visibility of your site, attracting more visitors and converting them into potential customers.

In this article, we present 10 key points for optimising your rich cards for SEO.

rich cards

1. Understanding how rich cards work

Before embarking on the SEO optimisation of rich cards, it is essential to understand how they work. Rich cards are based on which provides webmasters with a set of vocabularies to describe the content of their pages. Using this system, search engines can interpret the information on a page and display an enhanced extract in their results.

2. Identify the types of content to highlight

To maximise the impact of your rich cards, it's important to identify the types of content you want to highlight. The standard covers different types of content, such as :

  • events,
  • products,
  • revenue,
  • articles,
  • videos,

You therefore need to select the most relevant types of content for your site and adapt your rich cards accordingly.

3. Structuring your data

Once you have identified the types of content you want to highlight, it is essential to structure the data on your site correctly. This involves annotating the code HTML of your pages with the appropriate tags. There are several methods for integrating these tags:

  1. Marking in Microdata,
  2. Marking in RDFa,
  3. The use of the JSON-LD.

We recommend using the JSON-LD format.because this is the method favoured by Google. For example, here is an extract of JSON-LD code for a product sheet :

  "@context : "",
  "@type" : "Product",
  "name" : "Product name",
  "image" : "URL of the image",
  "description": "Product description",

4. Test your markup

Once you have integrated tags into your HTML code, you need to check that the markup is correctly interpreted by search engines. To do this, you can use tools such as :

5. Optimising images

Rich cards often feature images to illustrate the content. It is therefore essential tooptimise the quality and size of your images to improve your site's performance. Also make sure you use relevant alt tags to describe each image.

6. Adopting good SEO practices

Even if optimising rich cards for SEO is an important lever, we mustn't neglect the other aspects of the referencing natural. To improve the visibility of your site, make sure :

  • have readable and optimised URLs,
  • judiciously sprinkle your keywords into the content,
  • use title and meta description relevant,
  • take care with the quality of your internal and external links.

7. Measuring the impact of rich cards

It is important to regularly monitor the number of clicks and impressions generated by your rich cards. To do this, you can consult the statistics provided by Google Search Console or install tracking tools such as Google Analytics.

8. Modify and improve your rich cards

To make the most of your rich cards, don't hesitate to modify and improve them according to your results. You can test different images, descriptions or titles and measure their impact on your SEO performance.

9. Find out about updates

The standard evolves regularly to better meet the needs of webmasters and search engines. It is therefore crucial to keep abreast of the latest vocabulary updates and adapt your rich cards accordingly.

10. Take advantage of commercial offers and customer reviews

Finally, don't forget that you can also use rich cards to highlight commercial offers or special offers. customer reviews about your products. This can be a major competitive advantage and encourage more visitors to click on your site in the search results.

By applying these 10 tips, you are now ready to optimise your rich cards for SEO and improve your site's visibility on search engines. Don't hesitate to consult specialised resources on a regular basis to keep abreast of new developments and best practices in this field.

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