What is SEO for voice assistants?

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Optimisation for voice assistants

The world of SEO is constantly evolving, and today a trend is emerging: optimisation for voice assistants in SEO.

It is therefore essential to understand this method if you are to remain competitive in developing your online presence.

In this article, we'll look at the 10 key points for optimising SEO for voice assistants.

Optimisation for voice assistants

1. Understanding voice search

La voice search is a technology that allows users to search the internet using their voice rather than typing in traditional keywords. The main advantage of voice search is that it is quick and easy to use, especially when typing a query is difficult or impractical.

2. Voice assistants and their specific features

The voice assistantssuch as Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa and Apple SiriThese are devices that help users to carry out searches and perform various tasks using voice commands. These devices each have their own specificities when it comes to processing voice requests, and can therefore influence the way search results are presented.

a) Different types of equipment

    • Smartphones: One of the main devices for voice search
    • Smart speakers: These devices can be used to control various connected objects (lamps, thermostats, etc.) by voice.
    • Connected watches : Connected watches also incorporate voice assistant functions to facilitate access to certain information.

b) Diversity of requests and specific responses

Queries made on voice assistants can vary depending on the device used and the needs of the user. Similarly, the search results offered by these devices are often more selective than those obtained with a traditional search, placing greater emphasis on precision and relevance.

3. The importance of the long tail

In the case of voice search, the queries made are generally longer and more natural than those found in text searches, often including several keywords or complete phrases. It is therefore crucial to adapt your SEO strategy to the terms of the long tail to capitalise on this growing trend.

4. Optimising content for voice search

To optimise your website for voice search, make sure that the content is structured in such a way as to answer the questions most frequently asked by users, including :

  • title and meta description tags Include relevant keywords to make it easier for voice assistants to understand the content.
  • long, detailed content Provide exhaustive information to answer specific questions asked during a voice search.
  • use of the passive channel : Voice assistants tend to use the passive voice in their responses, so it may be worth incorporating this form into your content.

5. Structuring data using Schema.org markup

The tags Schema.org markup can be used to add additional information to the content of your site so that search engines can better understand its context. For example, using Schema.org markup can improve your site's visibility in voice searches by making it easier for voice assistants to access relevant information.

6. Work on site loading speed

Voice assistant users are generally in a hurry and looking for quick answers to their questions. Optimising loading speed of your site is essential if you are to offer user experience and improve the overall SEO performance of your site.

7. Adapting local referencing

Many voice searches are for local information, such as restaurants or shops. Adapt your site's SEO by including relevant local information and ensuring that the address, opening hours and telephone number are clearly visible and up to date.

8. Writing for voice

Adapting your content to voice search requires fluid, natural writing to answer users' questions simply and directly. Avoid technical jargon and opt for a conversational style that makes it easier to understand and interact with voice assistants.

9. Exploring the potential of voice marketing

In addition to SEO optimisation for voice search, there are also voice marketing opportunities to be exploited, such as the creation of podcasts or specific applications for voice assistants.

10. Keep abreast of technological developments

Finally, the key to successful SEO for voice assistants is to keep abreast of new technologies and advances in the field of voice search. This will enable you to adapt your strategy accordingly and take full advantage of this growing trend.

In a nutshell, Optimising your website for voice search requires an in-depth understanding of the particularities of the queries and responses provided by voice assistants, as well as constant adaptation of your content and SEO. By taking these 10 key points into account, you'll be able to develop a solid SEO strategy for voice assistants and take advantage of this new trend.

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