Discover the Open Site Explorer SEO tool in 10 key points

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Open Site Explorer

When it comes to Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), it's essential to find the right tools to analyse and optimise your actions.

One of the most popular and effective tools on the market today is Open Site Explorer.

In this article, we're going to introduce you to this SEO tool by revealing 10 important aspects you need to know.

Open Site Explorer

1. What is Open Site Explorer?

Open Site Explorer is a search engine developed by Moza company specialising in digital marketing and natural referencing. This tool analyses the quality of backlinkslinks, i.e. inbound links to a websiteto measure their relevance and influence on its positioning in search engine results.

2. How does Open Site Explorer work?

To analyse a website or web page with Open Site Explorer, simply enter the desired URL in the tool's search bar. Once this step has been completed, the user is presented with a list of metric which enable it to assess the authority of the link, its popularity and various other data relevant to SEO optimisation.

Metric sizes available

Open Site Explorer uses several indicators to assess the quality of the backlinks analysed:

    • Domain Authority (DA) : a measure of the overall authority of the domain in question, on a scale of 1 to 100. The higher the score, the more authority the domain is considered to have.
    • Page Authority (PA) DA: a measure of the authority of a particular page, on the same scale as DA. This indicator takes into account the backlinks pointing to this page.
    • Spam Score Percentage estimating the probability of a link being considered as spam by search engines. A high score indicates an increased risk of penalisation.
    • MozRank Score: score awarded by Moz to assess the popularity of incoming links on a page, regardless of their quality.

3. Why use Open Site Explorer?

Open Site Explorer offers a number of advantages for SEO professionals, including :

  1. The possibility of identifying and eliminating bad backlinks in order to improve the site's reputation with search engines. In fact, certain abusive or manipulative practices can lead to penalties, or even to the death of a site. dereferencing of the site.
  2. Competitor analysis to discover the tactics used by competitors in their natural referencing strategy.
  3. Looking for new opportunities to create quality links, by identifying sites that have already mentioned your content or your brand without creating a link.

4. Is Open Site Explorer free?

Open Site Explorer offers a free version with limited functionality, including viewing key metrics and access to some backlink data. To take advantage of all the advanced features, you need to take out a Moz Pro subscription, which also includes other SEO tools developed by Moz.

5. Comparison between different sites

With Open Site Explorer, you can compare several domains or pages side by side to assess their quality and performance in terms of natural referencing. This allows you to quickly identify the strengths and weaknesses of each site, as well as the priority areas for improvement.

6. Analysis of overall inbound link profile

One of the most popular features of Open Site Explorer is its ability to provide a complete overview of backlinks pointing to a website. Users can see not only the total number of links, but also their distribution according to various criteria:

  • Quality (ordered by DA or PA)
  • The risk of spam (ordered by Spam Score)
  • Type of link : nofollow (not tracked by search engines) or dofollow (follow-up).

This gives you a clear picture of the structure and quality of incoming links, and enables you to identify weak points that need to be corrected.

7. Keyword search

Open Site Explorer can also be used to analyse the relevance of keywords associated with a specific website or page. By identifying the expressions that generate the most traffic or that perform best in terms of positioning, you can adapt your content strategy to better meet user expectations and improve your natural referencing.

8. History of incoming links

The tool also allows you to consult the history of backlinks acquired or lost over time, as well as their evolution according to the SEO actions implemented. This provides an overall view of the impact of your efforts on building your network of inbound links and on your search engine positioning.

9. Monitoring of brand and content mentions

Open Site Explorer has an interesting feature for detecting mentions of your brand or content on other websites. By performing a search with a keyword you can identify the pages that are talking about your company without necessarily having created an link.

10. A constantly evolving tool

Moz is constantly improving Open Site Explorer, regularly adding new features, improving performance and updating its algorithms to ensure that the data it provides is as accurate and relevant as possible. As a result, the tool is proving to be a real asset for SEO professionals looking to optimise their actions and strategy.

In conclusion, Open Site Explorer is a powerful and versatile tool that offers a wide range of analysis possibilities for natural referencing. Thanks to detailed metrics, comparisons between different sites and backlink studies, it provides an overall view of the situation and suggests areas for improvement to enhance your SEO strategy and increase your visibility on search engines.

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