Online sales site: definition and operation

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For many companies and individuals, the e-commerce represents an advantageous alternative for marketing products and services.

Le online sales site is the main tool used in the world of electronic commerce. In this article, we will explore the essential components of a commercial site and how it works.



Online sales website

What is an online sales site?

An online sales site, also known as electronic commerce or e-commerceis a website where Internet users can purchase goods or services. It is therefore a space dedicated to commercial transactions without going through a physical shop.

Main features of a merchant site

From a general point of view, an online sales site must enable :

    • presentation and description of the products/services available,
    • selecting and adding these products/services to the virtual shopping basket,
    • secure online payment,
    • order and delivery tracking.

All these elements form the pillars that enable customers to carry out their transactions quickly, easily and securely.

The main types of online sales site

Depending on the specific needs and target audience of a company or individual, different types of e-commerce site can be created:

  • Le showcase site It allows you to present the products and services offered by a company without integrating an online sales process. Its main objective is to generate contacts and leads,

  • The catalogue site Web site: similar to the showcase site, but with the option of ordering the products/services presented by contacting the company directly by telephone or email,

  • The online shop e-shop: also known as an e-shop, it incorporates all the functions needed to carry out commercial transactions on the web.

Choosing the type of site: a strategic challenge

The choice of site type will depend mainly on the company's marketing and sales objectives. For some businesses, having a simple digital shop window is enough to attract and retain customers, while others will need a genuine online sales system.

The key stages in creating an online sales site

Here's an overview of the main steps involved in setting up an e-commerce site:

  1. Definition of needs and objectives First and foremost, you need to clearly define the products and services you want to sell online, as well as your target market and your sales ambitions,

  2. Choice of domain name and accommodation your site must be accessible on the web via a relevant and memorable domain name, and hosted by a reliable service provider,

  3. Website design and development You can opt for ready-to-use solutions such as Shopify or WooCommerceor develop your own platform from scratch using web technologies such as PHP or HTML/CSS,

  4. Implementation of a secure payment system To reassure your customers and facilitate transactions, it is essential to integrate a secure payment module into your merchant site,

  5. Optimising referencing natural (SEO) Your site's content and meta tags should be carefully designed to attract search engines and improve the visibility of your online shop,

  6. Communication and promotion Use social networking, emailing, blogging and other digital marketing tools to spread the word about your site and generate sales. qualified traffic.

The advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce

For companies and individuals, there are several reasons to consider setting up an online sales site:


  • Accessibility 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, your customers can consult your products/services and make purchases wherever they are,
  • Target being present on the web allows you to reach a wider audience. audience much wider than a physical point of sale,
  • Reduced costs The costs associated with running a real shop (rent, staff, etc.) are avoided thanks to e-commerce,
  • Flexibility and responsiveness This sales method simplifies stock management and the addition of new products/services.


  • Increased competition Depending on your sector of activity, competition between merchant sites can be very fierce,
  • Technical difficulties If you decide to manage your e-commerce site in-house, you will need to consider training or recruiting staff who specialise in e-commerce. web development and the maintenance IT,
  • Logistics problems Organising the delivery of products sold and handling returns/exchanges can be complex and costly if you have no previous experience in these areas,
  • Time to profitability Setting up a high-performance online sales system requires time and substantial investment; the project will not be immediately profitable.

In the final analysis, before creating a merchant site, it is essential to assess whether the potential advantages outweigh the disadvantages for your business.

If this is the case, then you can take advantage of the many opportunities offered by e-commerce to develop and sustain your business.

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