Understanding OnCrawl in SEO: Key points to remember

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Search engine optimisation (SEO) has become a must for all website owners who want to improve their visibility on the web.

One of the tools that has made a name for itself in this field is OnCrawl.

But what does OnCrawl mean in SEO terms? Find out in this article 10 essential points about this solution and its usefulness for optimising your site.


1. What is OnCrawl?

OnCrawl is an analysis and audit tool focusing on technical SEO and website performance.. It allows you to examine and evaluate different aspects of your site's natural referencing in order to identify possible improvements, whether in terms of architecture, content or search engine authority.

2. Why use OnCrawl?

This tool offers a number of advantages, including

  • Its ability to crawler and quickly index pages of a site as would GoogleBot;
  • Access to an interface feature-rich to analyse various data on your site's SEO;
  • The possibility of following the evolution of your SEO performance over time thanks to built-in continuous monitoring.

3. OnCrawl's main functions

OnCrawl offers a range of features for analysing and optimising your search engine optimisation:

  • Site crawlingto understand the architecture of pages and detect technical problems (HTTP codes, tags, etc.). HTML not optimised, lack of sitemapetc.);
  • Log analysisto see how GoogleBot visits and crawls your site and identify the pages most frequently visited by the search engine;
  • Automated reportsThese give an overview of the overall quality of the site and suggest ways in which you can improve your SEO.


4. Understanding the budget crawl with OnCrawl

The term "crawl budget" refers to the resources allocated by search engines to crawl a website. websiteWith OnCrawl, you can analyse this budget crawl by highlighting the URL on which GoogleBot spends the most time. It will then be possible to optimise access to the most relevant URLs to make them easier to index.

5. Identifying orphaned content with OnCrawl

Orphan" content is a page that is not connected to the other pages on the site by any internal link. This type of content is generally not very accessible or even invisible to search engines and contributes to poor search engine rankings. user experienceOnCrawl can detect this orphaned content and then integrate it correctly into your site to improve the overall architecture..

6. How do I use OnCrawl?

To get started with OnCrawl, simply :

  • Create an account on the platform;
  • Enter the URLs of your site to be analysed;
  • Configure the desired parameters to customise your analyses to your needs.

Once these steps have been completed, you can launch a full audit of your site and benefit from a detailed report on the strengths and weaknesses of your SEO as well as recommendations for optimising your web pages.

7. Advanced uses of OnCrawl: segmenting your crawl

To take this tool even further, you can segment your site's crawl by choosing to explore only certain sections (categories, type of content, etc.). This approach makes it possible to refine the analysis and precisely target the priority areas for optimisation on a site.

8. Frequency of SEO audits with OnCrawl

In order to effectively monitor the progress of your natural referencing, it may be worth carrying out regular SEO audits (frequency varies according to the size of your site and the frequency with which your content is updated) using OnCrawl. This will enable you to monitor the impact of the actions taken and adjust your SEO strategy if necessary.

9. OnCrawl's compatibility with Google Analytics

OnCrawl can be connected to your account Google Analytics in order to collect a range of additional data on traffic and visitor engagement on your site. This integration makes it possible to cross-reference information and draw more accurate conclusions about the performance of your web pages from an SEO point of view.

10. OnCrawl prices

Prices for using OnCrawl vary according to a number of criteria, such as the number of domains to be tracked and the overall size of the website (number of pages, etc.). Monthly or annual subscription packages are available to take advantage of all the features and options offered by this tool. To find out the rates applicable to your situation, we recommend that you visit their website and talk to their sales team to get a quote tailored to your needs.

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