Discover the Noogler: the Google employee taking his first steps

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The word Noogler is a term coined and popularised by the company Google to appoint its new employees.

In this article, we'll go into more detail about this unique designation and discuss the reasons why it was created.


Origin of the term "Noogler

The word "Noogler" comes from the contraction of the words "new" and "Googler". A Googling is quite simply a Google employee. So if we combine these two words, we get the term "Noogler", which refers to a new employee at the famous technology company.

Why create a specific name for newcomers?

This tradition of naming new employees reflects Google's corporate culture, which aims to be innovative and engaging for its employees.

Indeed, Google is renowned for putting a lot of effort into creating a pleasant and stimulating working environment for its employees, often characterised by a relaxed, good-natured atmosphere.

The idea behind creating the term 'Noogler' is to make it easier to integrate new employees and give them a sense of belonging right from the start. It also serves as a reminder to other team members to look after the newcomers and help them find their feet more quickly.

The first week at Noogler: what happens?

As with any company, the start of a career at Google begins with an induction and training phase. training. However, the Californian company is placing particular emphasis on this crucial stage, offering a complete and unforgettable programme for all Nooglers.

Welcoming the Nooglers

As soon as they arrive at Google, Nooglers are welcomed with special attention. Each new recruit is offered a Welcome PackThis is a package containing a number of branded goodies, such as a T-shirt, notebook, etc. This approach is designed to create a sense of belonging from the outset and encourage new employees to proudly identify with the company.

Noogler Orientation

During their first week on the job, Nooglers follow a training programme called Noogler Orientation. This includes information and presentation sessions about the company, group training workshops and progressive learning about the different tools and technologies used by Google employees on a daily basis.

Personalised support

In addition to the general programme, each Noogler is looked after individually by a dedicated mentor, who acts as a point of contact to facilitate integration and answer any questions. This mentoring system is designed to quickly develop a relationship of trust between new employees and their more experienced colleagues.

Traditions specific to the Nooglers

To make the onboarding experience even more memorable for new employees, Google has also introduced some traditions unique to the Noogler community. Here are just a few examples:

  • The multicoloured headdress During their initiation, it is not unusual for Nooglers to wear a cap with a multicoloured propeller on top.
  • TGIF (Thank God It's Friday): every Friday, Google organises an informal event where all employees, including Nooglers, can relax and chat over a drink or a slice of pizza.
  • The Noogler Speech Welcome: traditionally, each new employee is invited to share his or her impressions and career path in a speech to all colleagues.

These traditions are put in place with the aim of creating a friendly and motivating atmosphere within the company, while facilitating the integration of new team members.

Partial conclusion: the term Noogler as a testament to Google's corporate culture

Ultimately, the term 'Noogler' perfectly illustrates Google's unique corporate culture, which aims to create an inspiring and friendly working environment for its employees.

Through the creation of a specific name, comprehensive induction programmes and unique traditions dedicated to new employees, the company fosters a spirit of camaraderie and belonging that is essential to developing everyone's potential.

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