Understanding Neural Matching in SEO: 10 points

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Neural Matching

The natural search engine optimisation, or SEO, landscape is constantly evolving, with the emergence of new methods and strategies for improving the visibility of websites on search engines.

A new concept revealed by Google that is the talk of the SEO world is the Neural Matching.

In this article, we'll explore 10 key points about Neural Matching in SEO and its impact on the way we optimise our websites for search engines.

Neural Matching

1. What is Neural Matching?

Neural Matching is a method developed by Google, which uses artificial intelligence, and more specifically deep learning, to better understand users' queries and provide them with more relevant search results. This enables the search engine to match queries to web pages, even if the exact keywords are not present on those pages.

2. How does Neural Matching work?

Neural Matching is based on a algorithm which analyses and processes text data to understand the context and meaning behind each query. This understanding is then used to find relevant web pages that match the meaning of the query, regardless of the specific keywords used.

For example, when a user performs a search on Google, the Neural Matching algorithm tries to make the correspondence between the query and the web pages that are relevant according to context, rather than according to the exact keywords used.

3. How is Neural Matching different from RankBrain?

Le RankBrain is another artificial intelligence system developed by Google to improve its search results. The main difference between RankBrain and Neural Matching lies in their objective:

  • RankBrain focuses on the interpretation of innuendo behind queries, even those that have never been asked before, to provide the best possible results for users.
  • Neural Matching, on the other hand, aims to understand more about meaning and context queries to match relevant pages, regardless of the specific keywords used.

4. What impact does Neural Matching have on SEO?

With the introduction of Neural Matching, the criteria for evaluating content have changed. Websites must now be optimised in line with users' intentions, rather than focusing solely on specific keywords. This means that website need to adapt their strategy SEO accordingly to improve their chances of appearing at the top of search results.

5. How can you adapt your SEO strategy to Neural Matching?

To optimise your website for Neural Matching, it is essential to :

  1. Create quality content that responds to users' intentions and provides relevant answers to their queries.
  2. Include synonyms or similar terms to cover a wider range of possible search terms.
  3. Giving more importance to the context and structure of pages, rather than focusing solely on keyword density.
  4. Caring for internal networking (links to other internal pages) to help Google understand the themes of your site and how they relate to user queries.

6. Does Neural Matching favour the long tail?

Yes, Neural Matching facilitates the referencing of less common or more specific keywords, also known as the long tail. By better understanding the context and meaning behind each query, the algorithm is able to match niche and potentially less competitive content, improving the visibility of these pages in search results.

7. What impact does Neural Matching have on voice search?

La voice search is growing in popularity with the increasing use of voice assistants and connected devices. Neural Matching plays a key role in perfecting the understanding of voice queries, enabling Google to better understand the intentions behind all the words and expressions used by users.

8. Should we put an end to keyword optimisation?

Even though Neural Matching is changing the way search engines understand and process queries, you shouldn't abandon keyword optimisation entirely. Keywords continue to play an important role in how Google indexes and ranks your content. However, it is essential to also incorporate an SEO strategy based on user intent and context to keep up with the latest developments in SEO.

9. Can you measure the effectiveness of Neural Matching for your site?

To determine whether your site is taking full advantage of Neural Matching, you can analyse the following metrics:

  • The click-through rate (CTR) : A high click-through rate indicates that your page appears to be relevant to user queries.
  • Changes in the positioning of your less common or long-tail keywords.
  • Organic landing pages: Analyse the new pages that are attracting traffic to identify the types of content that are most successful in capturing users' attention and matching search queries.

10. The importance of updating your SEO knowledge

The field of SEO is constantly evolving, with new methods and techniques appearing regularly. To ensure that your website remains competitive and continues to attract organic traffic, it's essential to keep abreast of the latest SEO trends and innovations, such as Neural Matching. By continually adapting your strategy and improving your optimisation practices, you can ensure greater visibility on search engines and achieve your SEO goals.

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