Understanding Narrative SEO in 10 points

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Narrative SEO

In the world of natural search engine optimisation, a new approach has emerged: Narrative SEO.

The art of telling stories to raise a company's profile. website on search engines such as Google requires a comprehensive understanding of several key concepts.

In this article, we're going to break this methodology down into 10 points to help you better understand what Narrative SEO is and how it can benefit your online strategy.

Narrative SEO

1. Definition of Narrative SEO

The term Narrative SEO refers to the use of narrative techniques and story elements to optimise the content of a website with a view to improving its ranking on search engines such as Google. The idea is to create content that is attractive and informative for readers while complying with natural search engine optimisation (SEO) best practice.

2. The role of storytelling in Narrative SEO

Storytelling is an essential aspect of Narrative SEO. It involves telling a story about a product, brand or service in order to attract and engage the target audience. Companies can use this technique to stand out from their competitors and create an emotional connection with consumers.

The narrative elements used

There are several types of narrative elements that marketing professionals can include in their content, such as :

    • Intrigue
    • Characters
    • Dialogues
    • Description and details
    • Narrative structure
    • Theme and message

3. Choosing key words in a narrative context

To optimise your narrative, it is essential to choose keywords that are relevant to the story you are telling. A good technique is to identify the main subjects of your story and select keywords that match the expectations of your target audience.

4. Importance of original content

With Narrative SEO, content creators are encouraged to create unique content for each page of the website. This is a crucial step because it avoids problems of duplicate content and improve the site's performance in search rankings.

5. Meta tags in the service of the story

It is also important to use meta tags tags to describe your stories. These tags help search engines understand the nature of your content and ensure greater visibility on search results pages (SERP).

The meta tags used

    1. Title : a concise, precise sentence summarising your story.
    2. Description : a short summary of the story with relevant keywords to encourage people to click on your page.
    3. Key words : a list of terms and phrases that reflect the main subject of your story.

6. Structure the content using a narrative method

A clear and coherent narrative structure is essential so that the reader can follow the story from beginning to end. Narrative SEO encourages the creation of content tailored to the needs of Internet users by using sub-headings, tags, etc., in order to create a clear and coherent narrative. HTML and well-matched paragraphs.

7. Internal linking to improve the user experience

Le internal networking allows you to create links between the different pages and stories on your website. This approach helps to make the site easier to navigate for web users, which can have a positive effect on their user experience as well as the positioning of the site in search engine results.

8. Rich media to reinforce the story

Using rich media such as images, videos or graphics can add value and depth to your stories. Complementing the text, these multimedia elements can help to capture visitors' attention and reinforce the message conveyed by your content.

9. Performance analysis to assess results

Performance evaluation is a key step in determining whether or not your Narrative SEO strategy is successful. Key performance indicators (KPIs) should be established to monitor results and this data should be analysed to identify areas for improvement.

10. Adaptability to market changes

To succeed in Narrative SEO, it's vital to keep abreast of the latest trends and developments in the sector. Make sure you adapt your strategy in line with search engine recommendations, as well as the changing needs of your potential customers.

In short, Narrative SEO is an innovative approach to combining storytelling techniques with SEO best practice. By mastering this complex art of storytelling applied to the digital world, your company will be able to create compelling content while optimising its online presence and generating greater engagement with its audience. audience target.

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