Understanding Mobile SERP Features in SEO: Focus on 10 key points

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Mobile SERP Features

As an SEO expert, you know that search engine optimisation cannot be limited to simply improving textual content or meta tags.

To excel in SEO, it's essential to be up to date with the latest trends and understand what really works to capture users' interest.

One of these trends is the growing importance of mobile functionalities in search engine results pages (SERPs), such as Google.

In this article, we will look at 10 points relating to Mobile SERP Features in SEOto help you better understand this crucial aspect of your strategy.

Mobile SERP Features

1. Definition of Mobile SERP Features

The Mobile SERP Features are elements dedicated to smartphones, which help to enrich and diversify the results pages of search engines such as Google. In particular, they aim to offer user experience richer and more engaging for people browsing on their mobile phones.

2. Rich Snippets and structured data

The Rich Snippets are one of the most important elements of Mobile SERP Features. These enriched extracts allow you to display additional, contextual information about your site directly in the search results, such as reviews, prices or opening times. To take advantage of these features, you need to use structured data corresponding to the standards established by Schema.org.

Structured data tagging

This mark-up enables Google to better understand the content of your site and display it more attractively in the mobile SERPs. There are several types of structured data: JSON-LD, RDFa and Microdata. You need to choose the one that suits you best, depending on your needs and technical constraints.

3. AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages)

L'AMP is an open source project initiated by Google to speed up the loading of web pages on mobile devices. AMP pages generally appear in search results as dedicated carousels, with a lightning bolt icon to indicate their optimised format. By integrating this technology, you'll significantly improve the user experience and undoubtedly strengthen your brand. SEO positioning.

4. The local pack and customer reviews

Le local packalso known as "Local Pack" or "Pack 3", is a set of three local results displayed in mobile SERPs when a user makes a query with a geographical dimension. This module highlights relevant information such as the address, opening hours, contact details, etc. customer reviews and even directions to the establishment concerned. So optimise your local referencing to appear in this pack and increase your visibility.

Customer reviews

The customer reviews play a very important role in local referencing, as they influence web users' choice and perception of the quality of the service offered. Make sure you encourage your satisfied customers to post their testimonials on Google My Business or other review platforms to obtain a favourable rating and consolidate your brand image.

5. Integrated videos

SERPs are increasingly incorporating videos from Youtube or other similar platforms. The entertaining and attractive nature of these media enhances the user experience on mobile and helps to improve your visibility. So don't hesitate to develop a video strategy tailored to your sector of activity and optimise the referencing of your creations to increase their chances of being included in the Mobile SERP Features.

6. Featured Snippets

The Featured Snippets are specific extracts of content that generally appear in first position in search results (Position 0) to respond directly to a specific question or need for information. They can take several forms: paragraphs, lists, tables or even images. Optimise your content so that it is eligible for this feature and benefit from increased visibility.

7. People Also Ask (associated questions)

The People Also AskThese are suggestions of questions asked by Internet users and presented in a scrolling accordion within the SERPs. This feature represents an opportunity to increase the visibility of your site, provided that you optimise your content to answer relevant questions related to your area of expertise.

8. Mobile applications and App Indexing

In addition to traditional web results, Google also indexes mobile applications and offers search results directly linked to them. It is therefore crucial to ensure that your mobile applications are correctly configured to be recognised and taken into account by the search engine.

App indexing

L'App indexing allows Google to access the content of your applications and display it in the search results. To set up this indexing, you will need to integrate deep linking and meet certain specific technical conditions.

9. Voice search and Voice Search Optimization

With the rise of voice assistants such as Google Assistant or Siri, the voice search is becoming an increasingly important part of mobile search queries. It is therefore essential to adapt your SEO strategy accordingly, in particular by targeting conversational long-tail queries and structuring your content in a logical and coherent way.

10. Images and SEO

Finally, the images are also an important part of Mobile SERP Features. Google is displaying more and more images in search results, particularly thanks to the AMP Stories feature or simply to illustrate certain results. So it's vital to optimise the referencing of your images, by taking care with their filenames, their alt tag and their weight, as well as adding structured data where necessary.

In short, Mobile SERP Features represent so many opportunities to improve your visibility on search engines like Google. By integrating these different elements into your SEO strategy, you'll be better equipped to face up to the competition and win over more and more smartphone users.

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