The mobile-first SEO strategy: what is it and how can it be optimised?

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What is the mobile-first SEO strategy?

Today, the majority of Internet searches are carried out from mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets.

For this reason, it is essential for any company looking to improve its online visibility to put in place a mobile-first SEO strategy.

In this article, we'll look at what a mobile-first SEO strategy is and how to optimise it in 10 points.

Mobile-first strategy

1. Understanding the concept of Mobile-first in SEO

Mobile-first is an approach that involves prioritiseuser experience on mobile devices compared with desktop computers. To do this, we first create a version of the website optimised for mobile screens, then adapted for other types of screen. Search engines such as Google now value sites that offer a user experience adapted to mobile devices. multiple screen formatsparticularly those with a mobile-first approach.

2. Carry out an SEO audit of your mobile site

To build an effective mobile-first strategy, you first need to carry out a SEO audit the mobile version of your website. You need to look at all the technical aspects of your site, such as the loading speedaccessibility, URL quality and responsive display are all factors taken into account by search engines.

3. Accelerate loading speed

Visitors on mobile phones attach a great deal of importance to the speed with which web pages load. Search engines also value this aspect when ranking search results. To achieve this, you can :

  • Optimise the size of images so that they are suitable for mobile screens
  • Use a CDN (Content Delivery Network) to improve content caching and distribution
  • Reducing file size CSS, JavaScript and HTML thanks to minification

4. Adopt a responsive structure for your site

Another crucial step in optimising a mobile-first strategy is to adapt the structure of your website so that it best meets the needs of mobile users. This means using a fluid, responsive design so that your pages display correctly on different types of screen, without any distortion or readability problems.

5. Give priority to quality content adapted to mobile devices

As part of a mobile-first strategy, it is important that your content is rich, informative and easily accessible from a smartphone or tablet. Make sure that :

  • Write clearly and simply
  • Use relevant visual elements (photos, computer graphics, videos)
  • Break up your articles into short paragraphs and subheadings to make them easier to read
  • Prefer bulleted lists to dense blocks of text

6. Make your website easy to navigate

To optimise the user experience on mobile, think about the ergonomic aspects. Users must be able to navigate easily between your pages and access the information they are looking for. Work on :

  • A clear, uncluttered menu
  • The size of the buttons
  • Link format
  • Well-positioned calls to action

7. Optimising local referencing

Particular attention needs to be paid to local SEO as part of a mobile-first SEO strategy. Smartphone users are often on the move and looking for information specific to their location. So think about :

  • Register your company on Google My Business
  • Highlight your physical address and opening hours
  • Invite satisfied customers to leave a review of your establishment

8. Exploiting structured data

The use of structured dataThe use of tags to help search engines better understand the content of web pages can be a real asset to your mobile-first SEO strategy. In fact, this practice makes it possible to present your content better in search results, with, for example, enriched extracts (also known as " rich snippets ").

9. Tracking and measuring the performance of your mobile site

For regularly optimise your mobile-first SEO strategyIn order to do this, it is essential to have precise indicators of your website's performance on mobile devices. Use tools such as Google Analytics or Search Console to analyse this data and adjust your strategy accordingly.

10. Keeping up to date with developments in the world of SEO

The world of SEO is constantly evolving, both in response to changes in technology and to adapt to the changing habits of web users. To stay on course and retain the benefits of your mobile-first strategy, it's important to keep abreast of the latest trends in the sector and the best practices developed by SEO specialists.

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