SEO Micro-moments: How to optimise your strategy in 10 points?

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SEO micro-moments

In the world of the web, search engine optimisation (SEO Google) has become a must for companies wishing to improve their visibility and attract qualified traffic.

SEO micro-moments are therefore an essential component to include in your digital strategy.

SEO micro-moments

1. Understanding what an SEO micro-moment is

micro-moment refers to a precise moment when a web user performs a specific action on their smartphone, often driven by an immediate need or desire. These actions are generally search engine queries and can be grouped into four categories:

  • I want to know" moments: when a user is looking to obtain information or learn something.
  • I want to go" moments: when the need is to access a location, such as finding a restaurant or a shop.
  • I want to do" moments: when the user wants to perform a task, for example consulting a recipe or watching a tutorial.
  • I want to buy" moments: when the person is ready to make a purchase and is looking for an easy way to do so.

2. Anticipating Internet users' expectations

In order to optimise your presence on the web for these micro-moments, it is essential to identify the expectations and needs of your users. Put yourself in their shoes and ask yourself questions like :

  • What requests could they make?
  • What needs are they trying to satisfy?
  • What do they want to find when they carry out a particular search?

3. Propose relevant and appropriate content

Once the expectations of your audience identified, do your utmost to offer content that meets your respondent to their specific needs. You should also pay attention to the formats your target audience prefers: articles, videos, tutorials, etc.

4. Adapting your natural referencing

To respond effectively to the various requests made by visitors during micro-moments, it is essential to optimise the natural referencing of your web pages. Work on your title and description tags, URLH1, etc., to best match the searches carried out.

5. Capitalise on geolocation

Micro-moments often involve local searches, particularly for "I want to go" moments. That's why it's so important to implement a geolocatedfor example, by making sure you have a strong presence on Google My Businessthe local directories or with pages dedicated to your local presence.

6. Optimising your mobile presence

Searches carried out on smartphones are constantly on the increase, which is why it's crucial to optimise your website and its contents for consultation on mobile. Adaptability, reduced loading time, ergonomics... these are all essential criteria to take into account when attracting a mobile audience.

7. Use conversational keywords

With the emergence of voice searches and natural language, it makes sense to integrate conversational keywords in your content. This will improve your visibility on longer, specific and contextualised queries launched during SEO micro-moments.

8. Implement precise analytical monitoring

To measure the performance of your micro-moment strategy, it's essential to set up a analytical follow-up adapted. Google Analytics and Google Search Console will be your allies in understanding and analysing your audience's behaviour and better anticipating their expectations.

9. Don't neglect the social aspect of micro-moments

Social networks also play an important role during micro-moments. So it's important to take care of your presence on these platforms and encourage people to share your content or talk to you, by responding quickly and effectively.

10. Adopt a user-centric approach

To take full advantage of the opportunities offered by SEO micro-moments, it is crucial to adopt a strategy centred around theuser. Anticipating their expectations, creating relevant content, optimising your search engine optimisation and monitoring your performance will all be key to guaranteeing your success. user experience at each of these decisive moments.

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