The meta keywords tag: understanding its role and how it works in SEO

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Meta tag keywords

The meta tags is a set of information inserted into the HTML web pages. These include meta keywords tag is used to specify the main keywords that characterise the content of a page.

Historically used by search engines to index and classify web pages, this tag is now being debated as to its real usefulness in terms of natural referencing or SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

Meta keywords tag

What is a meta keywords tag?

The meta keywords tag is therefore a HTML tag which was originally used to indicate the main keywords of a web page to search engines. Integrated into the "head" section of your HTML document, it looks like this:

<meta name="keywords" content="keyword 1, keyword 2, keyword 3">

Each keyword is separated by a comma and must be chosen carefully to best represent the main content of the page.

Why use a meta keywords tag?

Previously, the use of the meta keywords tag was essential in order to facilitate indexing web pages by the various search engines. By providing a precise list of keywords, the search engines were able to quickly understand the subject and purpose of each page, and then rank them accordingly in the search results.

However, this system was quickly hijacked by certain abusive SEO practices, aimed at "fudging" the relevance of pages using a misuse of keywordsor " keyword stuffing ". In response to these unscrupulous methods, search engine algorithms have evolved to be less sensitive, or even indifferent, to the meta keywords tag.

How relevant are meta keywords tags today?

In 2021, it seems that the vast majority of search engines no longer attach any importance to this tag. However, this does not mean that it has become totally useless: its use can still have some advantages in terms of natural referencing, but also in other respects:

  • Local search engine optimisation : In certain specific cases, particularly if you are targeting a specific market, the meta keywords tag could still have a certain influence with small local or specialist search engines.
  • Organisation of content : Although neglected by most search engines, this tag can help to organise your content better, by helping authors to focus on the main keywords when writing and editing your website.

Best practice in using meta keywords tags

Even if the impact of the meta keywords tag on SEO is not what it used to be, there are still certain rules that need to be followed to get the most out of it:

  1. Choose your keywords carefully: Make sure you select terms that are relevant and likely to be searched for by your customers. audience. Don't try to "force" your page to be indexed with unsuitable or inconsistent keywords.
  2. Limit the number of repetitions: Following the general recommendations, it is recommended not to exceed the limit of 5 to 10 keywords per web page in order to avoid any suspicion of spamming.
  3. Avoid keyword stuffing: Don't use this tag to multiply the number of potentially interesting words. Current algorithms give priority to the quality of the content and the overall semantic context rather than the simple density of key words.

Focus on other SEO factors

Since the influence of the meta keywords tag is now uncertain, if not negligible, it is essential to focus on other aspects of SEO that are far more promising in terms of performance:

  • Quality content : Write original, relevant and well-structured content, making sure you use your main keywords naturally.
  • Title and meta description : These two tags now play a major role in SEO. Take care with both content and form.
  • Image optimisation : Don't forget to fill in the "alt" attributes of your images with the appropriate keywords to improve their indexing.
  • Loading time : A fast website is an undeniable advantage when it comes to guaranteeing an optimal experience for your visitors and being better referenced by Google.
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