Meta Business Suite: everything you need to know to perform in business

by our Digital Marketing Agency Optimize 360

In the increasingly connected world of modern business, it is essential to have high-performance tools to manage digital interactions with customers and prospects. With this in mind, the Meta Business Suite has been designed.

In this article, we will explain what the Meta Business SuiteWhat it's used for and how to set it up to make the most of all its features.

Meta Business

What is Meta Business Suite?

The Meta Business Suite is a set of applications and services developed by Facebook (formerly Facebook Business Manager) to make it easier to manage advertising campaigns and interactions with users on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Messenger.

Thanks to this software suite, companies can centralise the management of their various pages and accounts on these social networks, optimise their online presence, manage their budgets and analyse the impact of their marketing actions.

The suite's main applications

The Meta Business Suite includes several key applications that enable companies to effectively manage their presence on social platforms:

  1. Facebook Business Manager : This application centralises the management of the various Facebook pages and advertising accounts.
  2. Instagram Professional Dashboard : This tool provides easy access to your company's Instagram account statistics and offers a range of options for promoting publications or managing advertising campaigns.
  3. Messenger : the instant messaging application enables users to chat in real time and personalise their experience by integrating intelligent chatbots.

The benefits of Meta Business Suite for businesses

Companies that use Meta Business Suite benefit from a number of advantages, including :

  • Better management of advertising campaigns: By centralising the management of the various pages and accounts, it is easier to analyse and optimise the impact of ongoing marketing campaigns. What's more, advanced targeting tools mean that you can maximise the return on investment from the advertising you distribute.

  • A user interface intuitive : The applications in the suite are designed to be easy to learn and use, and provide rapid access to the essential functions.

  • The opportunity to collaborate effectively : by centralising account management, it is possible to allocate different levels of access to team members, encouraging collaboration and the distribution of tasks.

  • High-performance analysis tools: The Meta Business Suite offers interactive dashboards and detailed reports that provide an overview of campaign performance, enabling you to make informed decisions about your marketing strategy.

How do I set up Meta Business Suite?

To make the most of all the features offered by Meta Business Suite, it is essential to carry out a careful and structured configuration. Here are some key steps for setting up the suite:

1. Create a Facebook Business Manager account

The first step is to create an account Facebook Business Managerto access all the tools in the suite. All you have to do is go to the page dedicated to companies ( and follow the instructions to set up the account.

2. Add associated Facebook pages and Instagram accounts

Once the account has been created, you need to add the various Facebook pages you manage and the associated Instagram accounts. To do this, go to the "Pages" and "Advertising accounts" sections of the Business Manager and add your pages or request access if they are already managed by someone else.

3. Configuring roles and permissions

4. Configuring advertising parameters and conversion trackingTo optimise your advertising campaigns, it is important to configure the options available in Business Manager correctly, such as :


    • Advertising objectives : select the objective that corresponds to your marketing strategy (awareness, reach, traffic, etc.).
    • Targeting : use Facebook's advanced targeting features to reach the right people. audience with your messages and offers.
    • Monitoring conversions : install the Facebook Pixel on your website to measure the effectiveness of your advertising and evaluate the behaviour of your audience after they have interacted with your content.

By following these key steps for configuring Meta Business Suite, you'll be able to use its tools effectively to manage and optimise your presence on social networks.

Meta Business Suite FAQs 

Questions asked by Internet users

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