what is google looker studio? a complete 10-point guide to using it

by our Digital Marketing Agency Optimize 360

Google Looker Studio is a data visualisation tool under the Looker Studio brand that enables users to create informative dashboards and reports that are easy to read and share.

Thanks to its intuitive nature and powerful features, this free tool has become the preferred choice for creating dataviz and customisable results.

In this article, we'll explore what Google Looker Studio is and how to use it in 10 key points.


Looker Studio

What is Looker Studio?

Looker Studio is a online service which enables companies of all sizes to manage their databy facilitating the creation of reportsof dashboards and other types of graphical representation. This application is an integral part of the suite of tools offered by Looker, a company specialising in business intelligence that was acquired by Google in 2019.

Key features of google looker studio

intuitive user interface

One of the great strengths of Google Looker Studio is its user interface intuitive. It enables users, even those with no technical experience, to navigate the tool easily and create complex visualisations.

integration with various data sources

Looker Studio can be easily connected to a multitude of data sources such as Google Analytics, Google AdsBigQuery, as well as SQL databases. This offers great flexibility for importing and analysing data from a variety of platforms.

fully customisable reports

Users can customise every aspect of their dashboards and reports: colours, fonts, graphics and more. This ability to create bespoke visuals helps to better communicate the insights gained from the data.

10 tips for using google looker studio

create a looker studio account

To get started with Looker Studio, you first need to have a Google Account. Once logged in, access Looker Studio via the direct link or via your Google Account. Follow the steps to set up your initial workspace.

connect your data sources

Before you can create visuals, you need to import your data. Click on 'Add data', select the desired source (such as Google Sheets, Google Analytics or BigQuery), then connect by following the instructions displayed.

setting up your first report

To start a report, click on 'Create' and select 'Report'. Name your report and start adding visualization elements such as graphs, tables and maps using the sidebar.

add and customise visual components

Use the customisation options to change the appearance of your visual components. Adjust colours, sizes, labels and other settings to match your desired style and make your data more understandable.

use filters and segments

Filters and segments allow you to show only a specific part of your data. They are essential for refining your analyses and focusing your reports on particular periods, geographical areas or user segments.

interact with data in real time

Looker Studio can be updated in real time data, ensuring that your dashboards and reports always present the most up-to-date information. You can also interact directly with the data to explore different scenarios.

share reports with stakeholders

Easily share your reports and dashboards with colleagues or clients. You can invite users to view your work via shared links or with specified permissions. You can also define different permissions for each user.

export reports

For wider distribution, export your reports in various formats such as PDF or CSV. This can be very useful for presenting reports at meetings or archiving particular versions of your analyses.

automate reports

Automate your reporting using the scheduling functions offered by Looker Studio. Set up regular updates and automatically send up-to-date reports to your team or customers.

continually review and improve

Regularly review your dashboards and reports to improve their effectiveness. Use feedback from your users to make adjustments and incorporate new data to keep your visuals relevant and useful.

    • An easy-to-use user interface.
    • Integrate several data sources for a holistic analysis.
    • Customise reports to meet specific needs.
    • Filter and segment data for targeted insights.
    • Interact with data in real time.
    • Share reports with stakeholders.
    • Export reports in different formats.
    • Automate report generation.
    • Continuous improvement based on user feedback.

Comparison with other dataviz tools

tableau vs looker studio

Tableau and Looker Studio are two of the most popular data visualisation tools, each with its own unique advantages. Tableau offers more advanced capabilities for in-depth analysis and better management of large amounts of data. Looker Studio, on the other hand, is often preferred for its seamless integrations with other Google products and ease of use.

power bi vs looker studio

Microsoft's Power BI is another competitor to Looker Studio. Power BI excels at integrating with the Microsoft ecosystem, while Looker Studio stands out for being free and simple. For organisations already invested in Azure, Power BI could be more advantageous. On the other hand, Looker Studio remains an excellent option for businesses looking for an affordable, easy-to-deploy dataviz solution.

Tips for maximising the effectiveness of looker studio

get started with predefined models

Looker Studio offers a range of pre-defined templates that can provide a good starting point for any project. Using these templates can not only speed up your process but also provide ideas on best practice for visualisation.

synchronise your digital marketing efforts

If you already use other Google products, such as Google Ads or Google Analytics, synchronising these platforms with Looker Studio will allow you to centralise all your data in one place for a global view of your digital marketing campaigns.

involve stakeholders from the outset

To ensure that your dashboards have maximum impact, involve your stakeholders from the earliest stages of development. Gathering their requirements and feedback makes it easier to create reports that are truly tailored to their needs.

ensure data security

Although Looker Studio offers easy sharing features, make sure you control access and protect sensitive data. Clearly define permissions and use secure protocols for any confidential data.

continuous analysis and optimisation

Regularly audit your dashboards and reports to identify potential areas for improvement. Continuous performance analysis and adaptation to new trends will help keep your visualisations relevant and impactful.

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