Long Tail Pro: The essential tool for dominating long tail SEO

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Long Tail Pro

With ever-increasing competition on the Internet, it is vital to stand out from the crowd in order to be visible in search engines such as Google.

To achieve this, one of the key elements is to target the key words and less competitive expressions, often referred to as the "long tail".

This is where the Long Tail Pro SEO tool comes in. Find out about its main features and benefits in this article.

Long Tail Pro

1. What is the Long Tail Pro SEO tool?

Long Tail Pro is a keyword research and analysis tool specially designed to identify and exploit long-tail keywords. This particular aspect of SEO is crucial to achieving better positioning in search results, especially for websites with a particular niche or offering very specific content.

2. Keyword research with Long Tail Pro

One of the main features of this tool is the ability to search for keywords according to different criteria, such as the search volume monthly, the difficulty of ranking or the competition from paid ads. In this way, you can easily identify the least competitive keywords with good traffic potential.

a. The keyword search engine

To carry out a search, simply enter one or more basic keywords in the search engine and the tool will automatically generate a list of suggestions based on these terms. You can then sort and filter the results according to the criteria mentioned above, to identify the best opportunities.

b. Selection criteria

When choosing your long tail keywords, it is important to take into account the monthly search volume (the higher the volume, the greater the potential), the difficulty of ranking (a low score means that you have a better chance of being well positioned) and the competition from paid advertising (low figures here indicate less rivalry).

3. Competitive analysis of Long Tail Pro

The tool also provides a detailed analysis of the competition for each keywordby providing information such as the number of reserved pages, PageRank and authority of competing sites. This enables you to quickly assess whether a keyword is worth working on, based on the strength of the competitors already present.

4. Monitoring search engine positioning

To assess the performance of your website on the keywords chosen, Long Tail Pro includes a function for monitoring positioning in the main search engines (Google, Bing and Yahoo). So you know at a glance whether your SEO strategy is bearing fruit and where to concentrate your efforts to optimise your natural referencing.

5. Analysis of backlinks

The backlinks (or inbound links) are an essential factor in SEO success, and Long Tail Pro gives you a complete overview of this dimension thanks to its link analysis module. It lists the links pointing to your site or those of your competitors and provides data on the authority and PageRank of the sending sites. This allows you to quickly identify opportunities to obtain new quality links and keep an eye on your link profile.

6. Managing multiple projects

The Long Tail Pro SEO tool is designed to make it easy to manage several projects simultaneously. It has a user-friendly, intuitive interface that allows you to create as many projects as you need and quickly switch between them. This feature is particularly useful for SEO agencies or freelance consultants managing several clients at the same time.

7. Exporting data for reports

For professionals wishing to present their work to clients, or for webmasters keen to keep track of their progress, Long Tail Pro offers the option of exporting data in CSV or Excel format. This makes it easy to create customised reports tailored to the specific needs of each user.

8. Integration with Google Analytics

To complete and refine your keyword performance analysis, the Long Tail Pro SEO tool integrates perfectly with Google Analytics. All you have to do is authorise the connection between the two services and you have direct access to data that is crucial for your search engine optimisation, such as the number of visits, the average length of sessions and the bounce rate.

9. Customer support and online resources

Long Tail Pro offers a responsive and knowledgeable customer service team, available by live chat or email. It also has a comprehensive online help database (in English), with guides, tutorials and advice on how to get the most out of the tool.

10. Affordable and to suit all budgets

And finally.., Long Tail Pro SEO tool comes in a range of monthly and annual subscription packages to suit individual needs and budgets. There is also a limited free trial period, which gives you the opportunity to test the main features before making a commitment.

In short, the Long Tail Pro SEO tool is a valuable ally for anyone looking to improve their natural referencing by focusing on long tail keywords. With its many features, user-friendly interface and affordable price, it represents a worthwhile investment for web professionals and individuals alike.

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