Understanding Link Reclamation in SEO and how to use it

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Link Reclamation

The world of search engine optimisation is constantly evolving, with new techniques and strategies being used to improve the presence and visibility of a site. website in search engines such as Google.

Among these techniques, the concept of "Link Reclamation" has gained in popularity in recent years.

What is Link Reclamation and how can it be used to optimise a website?

In this article, we will explore this subject in detail and provide 10 key points on this strategy.

Link Reclamation

1. What is Link Reclamation?

Link reclamation is a technique used in search engine optimisation (SEO) that involves identifying and recovering links to your website that have been lost or broken over time. These links can come from a variety of sources, such as partner sites, articles from blogpress releases or social networks.

2. Why is Link Reclamation important?

Inbound links play a crucial role in a website's ranking in search results. A greater number of quality links pointing to your site can help to improve its credibility in the eyes of search engines, which can translate into a higher ranking in the results. On the other hand, when you lose a link, its positive effects on your ranking disappear. Recovering these links can therefore help to maintain or improve your ranking.

3. Identify lost and broken links

To begin the Link Reclamation process, it is essential to analyse your link profile to identify inbound links that have disappeared or are broken. You can use tools such as Ahrefs or MajesticSEO to get a detailed overview of your inbound links and identify those that have been lost.

4. Recovering broken links

The broken links are links that point to a non-existent or incorrect page on your site. They can be caused by various factors, such as a URL modified, a page deleted or a technical problem. To recover these links, you can either restore the page to which they were referring (if this is possible), or redirect the URL to another relevant page on your site using 301 redirects.

5. Recovering lost links

Lost links are links that no longer exist due to a change on the original site or because the source of the link has removed mention of your website. To recover these links, you must first identify the reason for their loss and then contact the owner of the site requesting that the link be reinserted. It is important to provide a solid argument as to why the link should be reinstated.

6. Setting up monitoring processes

In order to monitor and quickly identify broken or lost links, it is essential to set up a regular monitoring process for your inbound links. You can use tools such as Google Search Console or Ahrefs to get regular reports on the health of your links profile and react quickly to any problems.

7. Working with partners and influencers

When you collaborate with other websites, partners or influencersMake sure they understand the value and importance of links to your site. Encourage them to check their links to your site regularly and correct any problems.

8. Maintain a quality content strategy

Quality content is essential for maintaining and attracting more inbound links. Make sure that your content remains relevant, interesting and informative for your visitors. The more your content is appreciated, the greater the chances that other sources will cite and link to your site.

9. Using social networks

Social networks can be an excellent way of recovering lost links. By regularly sharing your content on these platforms, you can draw attention to broken or missing links and encourage the people concerned to repair them. What's more, links shared on social networks can be a positive signal for search engines, even if they are not directly taken into account in the rankings.

10. Be patient

Link reclamation can be a long and sometimes frustrating process, as it often depends on the collaboration of other parties. However, persevere in your efforts to recover these lost and broken links, as it will be worth it in the long run to optimise your online presence and improve your natural referencing.

In short, Link Reclamation is an essential SEO technique for identifying and recovering lost or broken inbound links.

By implementing this strategy in your SEO work, you can work to maintain and improve your position in search engine results while ensuring a better experience for your visitors.

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