Optimising a landing page for SEO: 10 points to decipher

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Landing Page Optimization

In the world of digital marketing, one concept often comes up: the SEO-optimised landing page.

What does it involve and what are the best ways of optimising these famous landing pages?

Discover the 10 key points to understand how to optimise a landing page in terms of SEO.

Landing Page Optimization

1. What is a landing page in SEO?

La landing pageor landing page, is designed to be the first page that a web user visits after clicking on a search engine result in the SERP (Search Engine Results Pages). It must be relevant, informative and encourage the visitor to carry out a specific action, such as registering for a newsletter. newsletterto buy a product or request a quote.

2. Why optimise a landing page for SEO?

The main objective of optimising a landing page in SEO is to improve its visibility in search engine results and thus increase natural traffic to it. The better your page is positioned, the more likely it is to be visited and to generate conversions.

3. Choose relevant keywords

To create an SEO-optimised landing page, it's essential to choose relevant keywords. These terms must relate to the content of your landing page and, above all, correspond to the requests made by Internet users. You need to identify the keywords you want to rank for and include them in various places on your landing page, particularly in the meta tags (title, description), titles (h1, h2) and body text.

4. Optimising the landing page structure

To optimise a landing page for SEO, it's important to work on its structure. This includes :

  • A URL descriptive and coherent with the content of the page and the keywords chosen;
  • Optimised meta tagssuch as unique titles and descriptions tailored to search engines and users;
  • A internal networking relevantThis means using links between the different pages of your site to facilitate navigation and help search engines understand the theme of your landing page.

5. Produce quality content

To design a landing page that meets the expectations of Internet users and is well appreciated by search engines, it is essential to create a unique, high-quality content. It should be written around identified keywords and provide visitors with useful and relevant information. Good content should also be structured with headings and sub-headings (h1, h2, h3), as well as well-spaced paragraphs to make it easier for crawlers to read and index.

6. Make your landing pages responsive

With an increasing number of searches being carried out from mobile devices, it is essential to make your landing pages compatible with all types of screen computers, smartphones and tablets. To achieve this, you need to adopt a "mobile-first" approach right from the design stage of your landing pages, using HTML adaptive and a CSS flexible.

7. Ensure page load speed

One of the essential constraints for natural referencing and theuser experience is the loading speed web pages. Several aspects can be improved:

  • Optimising image weight using lightweight, compressed formats;
  • Reduce the number of HTTP requests by combining the CSS and JavaScript;
  • Setting up a cache system to store a static version of your page, thereby reducing the workload on the server and cutting loading times.

8. Use appropriate semantic tags

To help search engines better understand the content of your landing page and its context, we recommend that you use semantic HTML tags correctly.

  1. <h1> for the main title of the page;
  2. <h2> for secondary titles and <h3> for subtitles;
  3. <p> for paragraphs of text;
  4. <strong> to highlight certain important information.

9. Adding calls to action (CTA)

In addition to the SEO aspect, a landing page must also fulfil its primary function: to encourage the visitor to carry out a specific action. To do this, place calls to action (CTA) in the form of buttons or links with a clear, attractive message that guides the user towards a conversion (purchase, registration, quote request).

10. Analyse performance and adjust if necessary

Finally, nothing can be taken for granted when it comes to SEO. So it's crucial toregularly analyse the performance of your landing page thanks to tools such as Google Analytics. This will enable you to identify areas where improvements are needed, such as loading times, the bounce rate or the number of conversions carried out.

To sum up, optimising a landing page for SEO means working on several key aspects: key wordspage structure, content, mobile compatibility, loading speed and calls to action. By taking these 10 essential points into account, you'll maximise your chances of appearing high in the search engine results and increasing the natural traffic to your landing page.

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