SEO KPIs: Definition

by our SEO Agency Optimize 360


KPIs, dashboards and SEO tools are obviously necessary to assess the performance of the SEO actions implemented and the results of your positions in the SERPs. Google.

Whether in Technical SEO, Semantic SEO or in Netlinkingour SEO Agency Optimize 360 Here you will find the main points so that you can get to know them and use them.

Failing that, our SEO teams are on hand to help you build and analyse them.

Understanding SEO KPIs, tools and dashboards

To ensure the success of a website, it is essential to set up a search engine optimisation (SEO) strategy.Kpis in SEO

Monitoring the data generated by this strategy, using a dashboard and KPIs, is essential for the continuous improvement of results.

Find out here how these elements shape the performance of your site.

What are SEO KPIs?

A KPI, or Key Performance Indicator (ICP) is a measurable value that can be used to monitor the effectiveness of an SEO strategy. In other words, it's a tool that helps you to determine whether your natural referencing actions are bearing fruit.

Examples of important SEO KPIs:

  • Organic traffic: The number of visitors who access your website via search engines.
  • Keyword positioning: Your website's position in search results for specific keywords.
  • Bounce rate: The percentage of visitors who leave your website after viewing a single page.
  • Conversion rate: The percentage of visitors who carry out a desired action on your website, such as filling in a form or buying a product.

By tracking your SEO KPIs regularly, you can :

  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of your SEO strategy.
  • Adjust your actions accordingly to improve your performance.
  • Measure the impact of your SEO efforts on your traffic and conversions.

It is important to choose the right SEO KPIs to track, depending on your specific objectives. For example, if your main objective is to increase organic traffic, you will need to co

The 10 major SEO KPIs

1. Organic traffic

One of the main objectives of any SEO strategy is to increase the visibility of your site on search engines and thus attract natural, targeted traffic. The number of visitors from non-paying search results is the first indicator of your SEO success.

Measuring organic traffic

You can measure the number of organic visitors using analytical tools such as Google Analytics, which gives you a detailed view of where your audience comes from.

2. High-performance keywords

Being well-positioned in search results on keywords relevant to your business is crucial to attracting qualified traffic. Identifying the keywords for which your site already ranks well and those requiring optimisation is therefore an essential KPI.

Tools for tracking keyword positions

Numerous tools, such as Google Search Console or SEMrush, allow you to track your positions on the various targeted keywords and use this information to analyse the competition.

3. Most visited pages

Knowing the pages on your site that attract the most organic visitors will help you to understand which content is the most popular and how to capitalise on its success to improve the SEO of your site as a whole.

Analyse page performance

In Google Analytics, you can access detailed traffic statistics for each of your pages in the "Behaviour" > "Site content" section. Here you can see the number of visits, average session length and bounce rate for each page.

4. Conversion rate

Finally, the ultimate goal of all SEO actions is to generate conversionsWhether it's online sales, contacts or downloads. Measuring conversions from organic traffic allows us to check whether our SEO strategy is bearing fruit.

Setting conversion targets in Google Analytics

To monitor this KPI, you need to set up conversion targets for your site in Google Analytics and analyse their progress regularly.

5. Time spent on the site

Another indicator of traffic quality is the average time spent by organic visitors on your site. If this figure is high, it means that your content is interesting and well referenced, contributing to the success of your SEO.

6. Bounce rate

The bounce rate represents the percentage of people who enter your site and leave it without consulting any other page. A low bounce rate shows that your website is attractive, consistent with visitor expectations and well structured. It should be tracked along with the time spent on the site.

7. Backlinks

Inbound links, or backlinksThey are considered as recommendations by the search engines. So the number and quality of backlinks must be closely monitored.

Tools for analysing backlinks

Use tools such as Majestic SEO or Ahrefs to obtain detailed information on referring domains and specific pages linked to your site, as well as their value in terms of "SEO juice" (or Domain Authority).

8. Click-through rate in search results

The CTR (Click-Through Rate) measures the ratio between the number of clicks and the number of impressions (displays) of your site in search results. A high CTR indicates that your site meets the expectations of Internet users and that its titles and meta-descriptions are well optimised.

Google Search Console form

To track this KPI, you can use the "Performance" sheet in the Google Search Console, which provides information on impressions, clicks, CTR and average position for each keyword.

9. Page loading speed

The speed at which a site loads is a ranking factor for search engines. Good speed guarantees a better user experience, which translates into longer time spent and a better conversion rate. Use PageSpeed Insights tool to optimise the velocity of your website.

10. Mobile-first indexing

A few years ago, Google adopted mobile-first indexing: sites optimised for mobile devices are indexed as a priority. So checking that your site is correctly displayed and functional on smartphones is now essential for SEO.

Google's mobile analytics tool

Use Google's mobile-friendly analysis tool to assess compatibility with mobile devices and identify potential improvements.

By closely monitoring these 10 major KPIs, you'll have a global view of your SEO performance and can adjust your strategy accordingly to improve visibility, traffic and conversions on your website.

The importance of setting up SEO dashboards

The dashboard is an essential element for effectively monitoring KPIs and optimising natural search engine optimisation performance.

It centralises the data collected by the various tools and presents the information in an intuitive way.

Key elements to include in your dashboard

Main KPIs : As mentioned above, make sure you monitor organic traffic, positioning, conversions, CTR and bounce rate.

Details by page : For an in-depth analysis, it is also worth tracking the specific performance of each page in terms of traffic, positioning and conversions.

Loading time : Incorporating this data into your dashboard will enable you to constantly improve the user experience on your site.

Geographical data : Knowing the geographical origin of your visitors will help you to adapt your content and strategy to the specific characteristics of each region.

Using the dashboard to improve results

Once the dashboard has been set up, it is important to use it regularly to check how the KPIs are evolving and to make any necessary adjustments by identifying strengths and areas for improvement.

To do this, compare the periods (month, quarter, year) and the data between them to gradually assess the performance of your SEO strategy.

The changes observed in the dashboard will enable you to make informed decisions to constantly improve your natural referencing.

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