Understanding the Google Knowledge Vault in SEO

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Knowledge Vault

In the world of natural referencing, Google is constantly innovating to improve its services and offer increasingly relevant results to its users.

One of the major innovations in this area is the Knowledge Vaulta knowledge base based on the Semantic Web and natural language understanding.

Let's find out together what the Knowledge Vault from Google and how it influences SEO in 10 key points.

Knowledge Vault

1. What is the Knowledge Vault?

The Knowledge Vault is a system developed by Google to create a huge database of facts and information from various sources on the web. It is based on the principle of the knowledge graph (Knowledge Graph), but with a broader, more dynamic approach. The Knowledge Vault is capable of learning and evolving its knowledge base automatically, using advanced algorithms.

2. The difference between Knowledge Vault and Knowledge Graph

The Knowledge Graph is also a Google database that brings together a range of structured information on a multitude of subjects. However, the main difference lies in the evolving nature of the Knowledge Vault, which can be enriched and adapted autonomously, unlike the Knowledge Graph, which requires human intervention to be updated.

2.1 Knowledge Graph: a structured database

The aim of the Knowledge Graph is to make it easier for Google to understand words and concepts, by linking information together in a coherent way. It is the result of a hierarchical organisation of data and is based on standards such as the RDF (Resource Description Framework) language or the Schema.org.

2.2 Knowledge Vault: autonomous artificial intelligence

The Knowledge Vault, meanwhile, goes a step further by exploiting the unstructured data on the web to learn and develop knowledge. Thanks to machine learningIt is capable of extracting relevant information without human intervention, enabling it to be constantly enriched.

3. How the Knowledge Vault works

To collect and process data, the system uses various techniques and technologies, such as the web. scraping (automated data extraction), natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning. This combination enables the Knowledge Vault to continuously increase its knowledge, establish relationships between data and generate inferences.

4. The impact of the Knowledge Vault on SEO

The improvements brought about by the Knowledge Vault have a significant impact on SEO practices. Based on a holistic approach to information, Google is better able to understand the intentions of web users when they formulate their queries in the search bar. As a result, the results offered are more relevant and tailored to their expectations.

4.1 Richer, more diverse SERPs

By gathering additional information, the search engine is able to offer enriched results pages, which now include optimised extracts (featured snippets), contextual information, local results and related search suggestions. This gives Internet users access to a wide range of relevant and complementary information directly from the results page.

4.2 The growing importance of quality content

With the Knowledge Vault system, Google places greater value on sites that offer rich, relevant and up-to-date content. It is therefore vital for SEO professionals to pay particular attention to the quality and originality of their content, as well as updating it regularly.

4.3 The need to structure data

To take full advantage of the possibilities offered by the Knowledge Vault, it is also necessary to optimise the structuring of the data on its websiteThese include the use of Schema.org tags and compliance with best practice in terms of microdata.

5. The role of machine learning in the Knowledge Vault

Machine learning is at the heart of how the Knowledge Vault works. Using complex algorithms, the system is able to identify relationships between entities and attributes, extract and classify relevant information, and detect errors and ambiguities. This enables the Knowledge Vault to adapt continuously to changes in the web and user needs.

6. The reliability of the data collected

The Knowledge Vault incorporates various mechanisms to ensure the reliability and accuracy of the information collected. In particular, it uses a rating system based on the level of confidence accorded to each source: the more reliable a source is deemed to be, the more its content will be taken into account when building the knowledge base. In addition, the machine learning process enables potential errors in the data collected to be identified and corrected.

7. The limits of the Knowledge Vault

Although the Knowledge Vault represents a major advance in information processing, it is not without its shortcomings. Its main limitations include data duplication problems, the difficulty of managing natural language ambiguities, and sensitivity to malicious manipulation (black hat SEO).

8. The Knowledge Vault and privacy

The massive collection of data by the Knowledge Vault also raises questions about the protection of users' privacy. However, Google assures us that it respects the principles of confidentiality and security in force, retaining only anonymised data and respecting users' preferences in terms of control over their information.

9. Prospects for the Knowledge Vault

The development of the Knowledge Vault is far from over: Google continues to invest in research and innovation to perfect its algorithms and expand its knowledge base. As a result, we can expect the system to become even more powerful in the years to come, with a better understanding of user queries and increasingly relevant search results.

10. How can you adapt your SEO strategy to the Knowledge Vault?

  1. Targeting research intentions : Tailor your content to the needs and expectations of Internet users by basing it on the keywords and themes that really interest your target audience.
  2. Focus on quality content: Make sure your content is original, relevant and up to date, so as to capture the attention of Google and web users.
  3. Structuring your data : Optimise your content by using microdata and Schema.org tags to make it easier for search engines to use.
  4. Encouraging diversity of sources: Cite and share content from sources recognised as reliable to boost the credibility of your site and improve your natural referencing.
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