The Knowledge Panel: understanding this essential SEO tool

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Knowledge Panel

When it comes to web referencing, the Knowledge Panel occupies an important place for professionals and users alike.

This tool makes it easier for Internet users to find information on a particular subject or company.

In this article, we'll take a look at the definition of the Knowledge Panel and its key SEO issues.

Knowledge Panel

What is the Knowledge Panel?

The Knowledge Panel is a feature offered by Google in its research results. I

This is an insert located on the right-hand side of the screen, above the adverts, which displays a selection of relevant, structured information on a subject searched for by the Internet user. This panel can relate to companies, personalities, cultural works (films, books, music) or historical events.

This concept is based on the Knowledge GraphKnowledge Graph is a database developed by Google to gather and organise a large amount of information from the web. The Knowledge Graph enables the search engine to better understand users' queries, taking into account their intentions and the context of their search.

How the Knowledge Panel works

To display the information contained in a Knowledge Panel, Google uses various sources of information available on the web. These include :

  • Business websites: Google retrieves information such as addresses, telephone numbers, opening hours and customer reviews.
  • Wikipedia: this online encyclopaedia is a great source of information on personalities, companies and works.
  • IMDb (Internet Movie Database): this online database is a source of information about films, series, actors and directors.

Based on the queries made by users, the search engine selects the most relevant information and groups it together in the Knowledge Panel. Users can access this information without having to click on several links and visit different sites.

Updating the information contained in a Knowledge Panel

While it is possible that some of the information contained in a Knowledge Panel is incorrect or out of date, there are ways of updating it. The owners of a company can, for example, claim the corresponding establishment file on Google My Business to make changes to the data displayed.

For other types of panel, it may be necessary to make changes to the information sources used by Google. In the case of a Wikipedia page, you will need to comply with the contribution rules set up by the platform.

The challenges of the Knowledge Panel in SEO

As a tool for increasing the visibility and reputation of companies, personalities or works on the web, the Knowledge Panel offers a number of advantages in terms of SEO:

A better user experience

By grouping together essential information in a single insert, the Knowledge Panel helps Internet users save time when searching. This helps to improve their web experience and build loyalty among Google users.

Greater visibility for companies

For a company, appearing in a Knowledge Panel is a real asset in terms of visibility. It's particularly well placed on the Google results page and catches the eye of web users. It can also be used to display practical information such as opening times and customer reviews, which can encourage users to visit the site or choose this business over another.

A positive impact on natural referencing

Although the ranking of pages in search results is not directly linked to the presence of a Knowledge Panel, this feature can still have a beneficial effect on SEO. Internet users who are satisfied with the information provided by the panel will be more inclined to click on the links proposed in the results, which can generate an increase in traffic for the sites concerned.

Optimising your presence in the Knowledge Panel

To maximise your chances of appearing on a Knowledge Panel, it is essential to put in place a solid and coherent SEO strategy:

  1. Creating and updating your profile Google Business Profile This stage is crucial for companies wishing to appear on a local Knowledge Panel. You should fill in all the information requested (address, telephone number, opening hours, etc.) and check regularly that it is correct.

  2. Setting up beacons on its website tags: these tags indicate to search engines the structured information present on a site. In this way, they make it easier for Google to understand the content and can encourage a site to be included in a Knowledge Panel.

  3. Working on your e-reputation Customer and user reviews are among the information displayed on the Knowledge Panel. It is therefore important to take care of your online reputation, encouraging positive reviews while responding to negative criticism in a professional manner.

In conclusion, the Knowledge Panel represents a valuable opportunity for SEO players.

By implementing the right practices and adopting the right strategy, you can take advantage of this feature to improve your visibility and natural referencing.

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