Definition of the Google Knowledge Graph: what is it and why is it useful?

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When it comes to search engine optimisation and information retrieval, it is essential to understand the functions and tools provided by search engines.

Among these tools, the Google Knowledge Graph is an essential element for those wishing to optimise their online visibility and facilitate access to the information they are looking for.

But what is the Google Knowledge Graph and what purpose does it serve? Our SEO Agency explains in this article.

Knowledge Graph

What is the Google Knowledge Graph?

Le Google Knowledge Graphis a gigantic database created and managed by the online search giant : Google.

Its main objective is to improve the quality of Internet search results by providing concise, relevant and rapidly accessible information to users.

The Knowledge Graph makes use of advanced artificial intelligence techniques, enabling the search engine to better understand users' queries based on their context and the relationships between the various pieces of information.

So, rather than just using keywords, the Knowledge Graph analyses the links between entities (people, places, objects, events, etc.) to provide search results that are better adapted to users' needs.

Innovative technology

The major innovation of the Knowledge Graph lies in its ability to establish and exploit relationships, known as "triplets", between the different entities it groups together.

These triplets are made up of two pieces of information linked by a relationship or property (for example: "X is a Y", "A is located in B").

Thanks to these connections, the knowledge graph can give more context to the information on the Web and offer increasingly relevant search results.

How does the Google Knowledge Graph work?

In order to explore the overall functioning of the Google Knowledge Graph, it is essential to look at some of its key aspects:

  • Data extraction : The knowledge graph gathers information from many sources, including websites, public and private databases, and user-generated content.
    This massive collection of data allows the Knowledge Graph to grow constantly and enrich its content over time.

  • Data processing : Once the information has been collected, it is sorted, classified and associated with the corresponding entities. This process not only eliminates duplicates and errors, but also identifies logical links between the different pieces of information to build the famous triplets mentioned above.

  • Presentation of results : When a user performs a search on Google, the search engine uses the Knowledge Graph to suggest relevant results tailored to their query.

    This information can be presented in a variety of ways, including direct answers (for example, the answer to a question asked in the search bar), information panels (detailed fact sheets on a specific subject) or even suggestions for further research ("Internet users have also searched for...").

What use is it to Internet users and web professionals?

The Google Knowledge Graph offers a number of advantages both for end users and for those involved in online search engine optimisation.

For Internet users:

    • More relevant search results: Thanks to its in-depth understanding of the links between entities and the context of queries, the Knowledge Graph enables web users to find the information they are looking for more quickly and easily. This optimisation of results makes a major contribution to improving theuser experience of Internet browsing.

    • Easier access to information: By highlighting certain key information in the form of direct answers or detailed fact sheets, the Knowledge Graph makes all the content on the Web more accessible and intelligible to users, who no longer need to go through lengthy reading and comparison sessions to find what they're looking for.

For web professionals :

    • Greater online visibility: By structuring the data present on their websites using appropriate tags and optimised content for search, web professionals can increase their chances of being found by the Google Knowledge Graph. This can translate into a better position in search results and therefore greater visibility for web users.

    • Better control over brand image: By providing accurate and consistent information about their company or organisation (name, logo, contact details, opening hours, etc.), professionals can ensure that these elements are correctly taken into account by the Knowledge Graph, thereby strengthening their online identity.
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