Understanding keyword strategy : The 10 essential points

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WHAT is a keyword strategy?

When you're looking to create compelling online content for your website or blogThe keyword strategy is essential.

This term may sound technical, but it simply represents all the methods used by marketers and copywriters to identify and judiciously use the key terms that will help your content to be discovered by Internet users thanks to search engines, such as Google.

Keyword strategy

Why adopt a keyword strategy?

The main aim of a keyword strategy is to optimise the natural referencing (SEO) of your web pages. Using this approach, you can improve your website's visibility on search engines and attract qualified traffic. More specifically, it consists of including in your texts the words searched for by Internet users so as to optimise their indexing by the algorithms of search engines such as Google.

Here are 10 key points to consider when developing your keyword strategy:

1. Analysing user queries

The first step is to understand what terms your potential customers use to find your products or services. This will enable you to determine the most relevant keywords for your field of activity and adapt the content of your website accordingly.

2. Taking trends into account

The searches carried out by Internet users evolve according to fashion, the seasons and current events. It is important to follow these trends in order to adapt your keyword strategy and remain competitive in the market.

3. Identify competitive keywords

In some sectors, competition can be fierce between different players. So you need to analyse the keywords that will enable you to position yourself favourably in relation to your competitors and stand out from the crowd.

4. Choosing long tail keywords

The long tail covers all the specific and less frequent search engine queries. By targeting long-tail keywords, you can attract qualified traffic that is more likely to convert into customers.

5. Using keyword analysis tools

There are a number of online tools available to help you identify and analyse the keywords that are relevant to your business. These include Google Ads Keyword Planner, Ahrefs or even SEMrush.

6. Organising your keywords

Once the keywords have been identified, they need to be classified according to their importance and relevance to your strategy. This stage will enable you to determine which words should be used as a priority in your content and to ensure greater consistency between your different web pages.

7. Optimising content with keywords

The use of keywords in your content must be natural and relevant. It is important not to overload your text with keywords, as this can impair its quality and penalise theuser experience.

8. Adapt keywords to different types of content

Depending on the content format (blog posts, videos, infographics, etc.), certain keywords will be more appropriate than others to maximise their SEO impact. It is therefore important to select the right terms for each type of published content.

9. Regularly update your list of keywords

Internet searches and the competition are constantly evolving. To maintain good visibility on search engines, it is therefore essential to regularly update your list of keywords in line with new trends and opportunities.

10. Measuring the impact of your keyword strategy

Finally, it is essential to evaluate the results obtained thanks to your keyword strategy in order to check its effectiveness and adjust your actions accordingly. To do this, you can use various indicators such as the traffic generated by the keywords, the rate of visits to the site and the number of visitors. conversion or the positioning of your pages on search engines.

In short, an effective keyword strategy is of vital importance in ensuring that your website is visible to Internet users. By following these 10 essential points, you will be able to optimise your natural referencing and maximise your chances of success in the online marketplace.

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