Everything you need to know about SEO Keyword Mapping to optimise your site

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Keyword Mapping

The world of SEO is a vast one, with a wealth of practices for optimising visibility.

Keyword Mapping, in particular, has become an essential term for SEO specialists.

But what exactly is keyword mapping in SEO?

Keyword Mapping

Definition: What is Keyword Mapping?

Keyword Mapping is the association of keywords with the specific pages of your websiteThis will help you to target your SEO efforts more effectively. This strategic approach will enable you to deliver relevant, high-quality content to your audience while making your site easier to navigate.

10 key points for good Keyword Mapping practice

Keyword main / request head : This is the word or group of words characteristic of the general theme addressed on a given page. This type of keyword represents the main query made by users and generally achieves a high search volume.

Secondary key words : They are complementary to the main keyword. Secondary keywords often have a low search volume, but they are useful for clarifying and enriching the theme of your page. Combining several secondary keywords increases the effectiveness of your overall SEO strategy.

Long tail : These are searches involving a large number of words. These specific queries are less frequent, but they generally offer a higher rate of success. conversion because they are highly targeted and more in line with user expectations.

Competitive analysis : To be effective, you need to take into account the level of competition on the chosen keywords, by observing whether other sites are already positioned on the same terms. If this is the case, you need to establish a strategy to overtake these competitors, or target other keywords where the competition is less intense.

Placement of keywords : To ensure that your content is relevant and effective for SEO, you need to place your keywords in the right place. Strategic locations include

The title

Subtitles (h2 and h3)

Body text

Alt attributes for images

Content generation : Once the keywords have been identified, you need to create rich, informative content tailored to your audience that will support your SEO strategy. The aim is to cover the different aspects of a subject without neglecting the important key phrases.

Semantic variations : To avoid repetition and make the content more interesting, it is important to use synonyms, variations or alternative expressions that encompass the selected keywords. This enriches your text and makes it more interesting for the reader.

Internal linking : Internal linking consists of creating links between the different pages of your website in order to make navigation easier for the user and to promote the indexing of pages by search engines. It is therefore important to create relevant links between your content using link anchors including your main and secondary keywords.

Performance analysis : Once your keyword mapping strategy has been put in place, it is essential to monitor the results obtained on a regular basis. Use tools such as Google Analytics to measure your site's performance in terms of traffic, bounce rateaverage session length, etc.

Adjustments : The performance of your keywords must be constantly checked and adjusted if necessary to maintain good visibility on search engines and meet the needs of your audience. If certain queries are not generating enough qualified traffic or if the competition is becoming too strong, don't hesitate to adapt your strategy and explore new keywords to target.

5 steps to effective keyword mapping

To successfully implement your keyword mapping strategy, follow these 5 steps:

  1. Condition of the premises : Identify the keywords already used on your site, using the content audit. This will give you an overview of your current practices and enable you to assess their relevance.
  2. Main and secondary keywords : Select the main and secondary keywords for each page on the basis of their relevance to the content proposed and the positioning you are seeking in the long term.
  3. Semantic search : Use tools such as Google Ads or other specialist platforms to identify variations and synonyms for the keywords you have selected. This step will make it much easier to write and structure your content.
  4. Content creation : Write original, attractive and relevant content, taking into account identified keywords and semantic variations to cover all the essential aspects of the subject. Don't forget to use the keywords in the strategic elements mentioned above (headings, sub-headings, etc.).
  5. Monitoring and adjustments : Regularly analyse the performance of your website and your keywords, checking the sources of traffic, the number of visits, the time spent on your site and many other indicators that will enable you to adjust your strategy according to the results.

In short, keyword mapping is a powerful method for optimising your website's natural referencing. It involves structuring your pages around relevant keywords, with the aim of achieving favourable search engine positioning and attracting a qualified audience for your content.

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