The influence of user behaviour on SEO: 10 points to decipher

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Influence of user behaviour

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is constantly evolving, and search engines like Google are placing increasing emphasis on the quality of theuser experience.

The behaviour of Internet users plays a major role in the visibility of a site. website on search engine results pages (SERP).

In this article, we'll look at ten aspects of user behaviour that influence natural search engine optimisation.

Influence of user behaviour

1. Time spent on the page

One of the key indicators for understanding user engagement is the average time spent on a page. The longer a visitor stays on a page, the more likely they are to have found relevant and interesting content. Search engines take this into account to assess the quality of a website and adjust its ranking accordingly.

How can you optimise the time spent on the page?

    • Offer informative, unique and captivating content
    • Use a variety of formats (text, images, video, etc.)
    • Breaking up and structuring content to make it easier to read

2. Click-through rate (CTR)

The click-through rate (CTR) measures the ratio between the number of unique clicks received by a link and the number of times that same link has been displayed. In other words, it reflects the relevance of a title and meta-description in the eyes of users. A High CTR is a positive signal for search engines, which can then adjust the positioning of the website concerned.

How can I improve my click-through rate?

    • Write catchy titles and relevant meta-descriptions
    • Include keywords in titles and meta-descriptions
    • Use appropriate tags for titles (H1, H2, etc.)

3. Bounce rate

Le bounce rate measures the proportion of users who leave a website after viewing a single page. A high bounce rate may indicate that users cannot find the information they are looking for or that the user experience is not satisfactory. Search engines analyse this data to determine whether a website offers a quality experience to its visitors.

How can you reduce the bounce rate?

    • Improve site navigation
    • Optimising loading speed pages
    • Adapting the content to the expectations of the target audience

4. Number of pages viewed per session

This indicator quantifies a user's engagement with a website. The more pages a user consults, the more engaged they are and the more interested they are in the content of the site. Search engines use this metric to assess the quality of a website and adjust its positioning in the SERPs.

How can I increase the number of pages viewed per session?

    • Setting up an effective internal link structure
    • Use a internal networking relevant and natural
    • Suggest similar articles or products at the end of the page

5. Page loading speed

A long loading time can be detrimental to the user experience and lead to a high bounce rate. Search engines take into account loading speed to rank websites, giving priority to those that offer users a fast, fluid experience.

How can I optimise page load speed?

6. Adaptability to different media

With the constant increase in mobile traffic, it is essential that your site is adapted to all types of device (computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.). Search engines favour websites that offer a mobile-friendly interface. optimal user experienceregardless of the device used.

How do you ensure a multi-media experience?

    • Opt for a responsive design
    • Testing the site on different devices and browsers
    • Adapting interactive elements (menus, buttons) to touch screens

7. Quality of content

Content is an essential pillar of SEO. The more unique, informative and relevant your content, the longer users will stay on your pages and explore your site. Search engines attach great importance to the quality of content and reward sites that meet users' expectations.

How can you offer quality content?

    • Write original content, without duplicate content
    • Dealing with subjects in depth, providing real information
    • Use a tone appropriate to your audience

8. Social signals

Links shared on social networks can indirectly influence a website's ranking. Search engines consider these social signals as a sign of popularity and relevance, which can help to improve a site's natural referencing.

How can we make the most of social signals?

    • Share content regularly on your social networks
    • Encourage users to comment, like and share your content
    • Exploiting influencers to increase the visibility of your publications

9. Newsletter subscription and unsubscription rates

A high subscription rate to your newsletters is often synonymous with relevance and quality of content. Conversely, a high unsubscribe rate can be perceived as a negative signal. Search engines take these factors into account when evaluating the user experience offered by your website.

How do you optimise subscriptions and unsubscriptions?

    • Offer relevant and regular information in your newsletters
    • Simplify the registration and deregistration process
    • Segment your lists to send content tailored to each audience

10. User comments and opinions

Comments and opinions left by Internet users are a guarantee of trust and personalisation. They are an integral part of the user experience and help to create a real community around your content. Search engines also attach importance to reviews and comments, because they show the level of engagement of your audience.

How can you encourage comments and opinions?

    • Inviting Internet users to give their opinion
    • Reply to comments to create interaction
    • Fostering a friendly, respectful environment for exchange

In conclusion, user behaviour is a key factor in the success of your SEO strategy. By ensuring that you offer an optimal experience to web users, you will increase your chances of appearing in a good position in the search engine results pages.

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