Understanding Influencer Outreach in SEO in 10 key points

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Influencing Outreach

The rise of social networks has led to the emergence of a new digital marketing strategy: influencer outreach. How does it work, and what are the benefits for natural search engine optimisation?

This article explains everything you need to know about influencer outreach in SEO.

Influencing Outreach

1. What is influencer outreach?

Influencer outreach is a digital marketing strategy that consists of making contact with influencers in a specific field, to promote a brand or a product to their customers. audience. These influencers generally have a large community of followers who trust them to help them make decisions about their purchases or simply to better understand certain subjects.

2. The different types of influencer

There are several types of influencer, classified according to the size of their community:

  • Micro-influencers : between 1,000 and 100,000 subscribers
  • Medium-sized influencers : between 100,000 and 1 million subscribers
  • Mega-influencers : more than a million subscribers

In general, the more a influencer is large, the more difficult and costly it will be to work with them. Nevertheless, it is important not to focus solely on the quantity of subscribers, but also on their commitment and the quality of their interactions.

3. Why use influencer outreach in SEO?

Influencing outreach offers a number of advantages for improving the natural referencing of a website:

  • Increased traffic : By introducing your brand or products to a new audience, you can generate an influx of visitors to your site.
  • Improving brand awareness : Influencers generally have a positive image in their community, which can be transferred to your brand when they talk about you.
  • Obtaining backlinks : Some collaborations with influencers can include links to your site, which helps to improve its popularity in the eyes of search engines.

4. How can you identify the relevant influencers for your project?

It's essential to choose the right influencers to work with. Here are a few criteria to consider:

  • Their area of expertise: make sure they are recognised in your sector or on related subjects.
  • Their audience: study the demographics of their subscribers to check whether they match your marketing target.
  • Their commitment: give preference to influencers whose publications generate a large number of reactions and interactions.

5. How do you approach an influencer?

Here are a few tips for getting in touch with an influencer:

  • Familiarise yourself with their content: before writing to them, make sure you have evaluated their publications so you can better understand their values and the way they communicate, and adapt your approach accordingly.
  • Opt for a personalised approach: avoid copy-and-paste messages and show that you have taken the time to think about what value you can bring to their audience.
  • Use their communication channels: some influencers prefer to be contacted via their social networks, while others prefer to be approached by e-mail.

6. Possible collaboration formats

There are various ways of working with an influencer:

  • The classic partnership: the influencer presents your product or service in a publication on their social networks.
  • Guest article: you write an article for the blog the influencer, or vice versa.
  • Co-created videos: a collaboration between you and the influencer on a video or series of videos.
  • Competitions or giveaways: competitions organised in partnership with the influencer to offer your products or services to their audience.

7. How do you measure the success of an influencer outreach campaign?

To assess the impact of your influencer outreach campaign, it is essential to set up key performance indicators (KPIs). Here are a few examples of KPIs:

  • Audit of brand awareness before and after the campaign
  • Rate of engagement generated by the influencer's publications
  • Traffic and conversions generated on your website
  • Average length of visit and bounce rate These two parameters give influencers precise ideas about their own region.

8. Mistakes to avoid in an outreach campaign

When running an outreach campaign, it is important not to make certain common mistakes:

  • Choose an influencer purely for their reputation: The audience and engagement of its subscribers are also important criteria.
  • Not checking the authenticity of your audience: Some influencers use fraudulent techniques to inflate their subscriber numbers.
  • Lack of transparency: in the interests of ethics, it is advisable to inform the influencer's subscribers that the publication is sponsored.

9. Tools to facilitate outreach influencing

There are a number of online tools that can help you in your efforts to influence outreach:

  • Influencer search tools: Buzzsumo, Upfluence, Mention...
  • Influencer relationship management tools: Traackr, Klear, Influencity, etc.
  • Spin-off analysis tools : Google Analytics, SEMrushMoz...

10. The future of influencer outreach in SEO

Influencer outreach is a constantly evolving strategy. With regular changes to search engine and social network algorithms, it's essential to keep abreast of trends and best practice to continue to benefit from this marketing approach.

In conclusion, influencer outreach is a relevant strategy for improving your website's natural referencing by increasing awareness, generating targeted traffic and obtaining quality backlinks. By choosing the right influencers to work with and following best practice, you can take full advantage of this method to optimise your online performance.

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