The new HTML5 tags and their impact on SEO

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HTML5 tags

The language HTML has evolved considerably over the years, offering new features and possibilities for web developers.

With the growing adoption of the fifth version of this language, HTML5, it is essential to understand how these new features affect a website's natural search engine optimisation (SEO). website.

This article explains in 10 key points the new HTML5 tags in SEO and their implications for better search engine positioning, such as Google.

HTML5 tags

1. Semantic tags make content easier to understand

Previously, developers mainly used div to structure a web page. On the other hand, HTML5 introduces a number of semantic tags to help search engines better understand the structure and meaning of content:

  •  For the header of the site or a section.
  •  For the main content of the page.
  •  For independent content elements.
  •  To divide the page into thematic sections.
  •  For the footer of the site or a section.

2. Native media support enriches the user experience

With the  and HTML5 facilitates the integration of multimedia content without the need for external plugins, such as Flash. Search engines appreciate the increased compatibility and accessibility of these formats for users on different platforms (computers, tablets, smartphones).

3. The 'alt' attribute is still essential for images

Although the beacon <img> is not new, it is worth remembering the importance of the attribute altwhich enables search engines to index images correctly. With relevant and descriptive alternative text, an image contributes to the natural referencing of a page.

4. Microdata makes it easier to extract structured information

The microdata are a major addition to HTML5, allowing additional semantic data to be added to the content of a web page. This structured information is useful for search engines to improve the relevance and visibility of search results.

5. Support for offline web applications can boost user engagement

Thanks to the use of application and local storage cacheHTML5 allows the creation of web applications that can function offline. This feature can encourage users to spend more time on your site, increasing the positive signals sent to search engines about the quality and relevance of your content.

6. Rich text tags improve readability and natural referencing

In addition to structural and semantic tags, HTML5 offers new options for formatting text:

  •  To highlight key words or phrases in a text.
  •  To indicate dates, times or durations in a standardised way.
  • and  To create a collapsible element containing additional information.

These tags can make the content easier to read and more attractive to users and search engine spiders alike.

7. Simplified doctype can speed up search engine analysis

The declaration of doctype in HTML5 is considerably simplified (), making it more compatible with modern browsers and faster for search engines to analyse.

8. Support for CSS3 and JavaScript functionality improves the user experience

Thanks to native compatibility with CSS3 and JavaScriptHTML5 makes it possible to create responsive designs, adapted to different screens and devices. This promotes user satisfaction and can contribute to better positioning in search results.

9. The integration of APIs for geolocation or communication between domains makes it easier to personalise content

The possibilities for interaction with other web applications are multiplied thanks to the new APIs introduced by HTML5. For example, it is easier to adapt the content of a page according to the visitor's location, or to exchange information between several websites.

10. Using canvas and svg tags multiplies the graphic options

With the elements  and HTML5 offers a wide range of possibilities for displaying interactive graphics, animations and high-quality vector images. This visual content can attract visitors' interest while being easier for search engines to index than Flash or Java applet formats.

In short, the new HTML5 tags offer a whole range of options for structuring, formatting and enriching the content of a website, making it easier for search engines to understand and index. It is important to familiarise yourself with these new features in order to optimise the natural referencing of your pages.

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