Discover Google Trends: An essential tool for understanding trends

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In today's digital world, keeping up to date with the latest online trends is crucial for various editorial departments, charities and professionals from all walks of life.

Google Trends is proving to be an invaluable tool in this context. This article explores in depth what Google Trends and how to use it effectively.


Google Trends

What is Google Trends?

Google Trends is a public service offered by Google that allows you to see how often a specific term is searched for on Google over time. Using this tool, you can obtain valuable information on the interests and behaviour of users across different regions and languages. Google Trends offers data visualisation in the form of graphs detailing popular terms on various subjects.

An intuitive user interface

The Google Trends interface is designed to be user-friendly and accessible even to novices. After entering a term or phrase in the search bar, a pop-up window appears. graphic display appears, showing the evolution of interest over time. This helps users to quickly identify periods of peak interest.

Comparison of several search terms

Google Trends can also be used to compare up to five search terms simultaneously. This feature is particularly useful for analysing competitive trends or understanding web users' preferences between different products or themes.

Geographic and demographic data

Another fascinating aspect of Google Trends is its ability to segment data by geographic region and demographic category. For example, a charity looking to raise awareness of a particular cause can see which regions or demographic groups show the greatest interest in that cause.

10 tips for using Google Trends

1. Search by keyword

Enter a keyword in the search bar to discover its popularity over time. The tool will display a graph illustrating interest in the keyword, enabling a quick analysis of trends.

2. Time filtering

Use the period filters to refine your search. You can select different date ranges from one hour to since 2004. This filter is very useful for observing seasonal events or continuing trends.

3. Regional analysis

If you need to tailor your content to specific audiences, activate the geographical filter to see how trends vary from one region to another. Interactive maps allow you to quickly identify where a term is most popular.

4. Categorising searches

Refine the results by applying relevant categories to your search. Whether you're interested in technology, health or any other field, this filter helps you to see the impact in specific contexts.

5. Comparison of terms

Comparing several terms simultaneously could reveal surprising information about user preferences. Enter up to five separate terms to see how they perform on the same graph.

6. Identification of related trends

Google Trends has sections dedicated to related requests. These suggestions can inspire new content ideas and highlight topics that evolve around your central theme.

7. Exploring current trends

Access the "Trending Searches" section to track the most popular searches of the moment. This makes it easier to produce relevant, eye-catching content in line with current events.

8. Using Google Trends alerts

Set up alerts to receive notifications when interest in certain keywords increases. This ensures that you never miss out on coverage of a fast-growing topic.

9. Exporting data for in-depth analysis

If you need to carry out an in-depth analysis, export the data obtained in CSV format. This will enable you to integrate the data into other analytical tools such as Excel or statistical software.

10. Incorporating insights into your strategies

The information obtained from Google Trends should influence your digital marketing, SEO and content creation strategies. Use these insights regularly to adapt your methods and maximise their impact.

Practical examples of using Google Trends

Marketing and web content

For professionals in the marketing and SEOGoogle Trends is an invaluable tool for developing content strategies. For example, a blogger specialising in fashion could observe when searches for "autumn-winter trends" gain the most momentum and publish his content at the best time.


The charities can use Google Trends to plan awareness campaigns. Knowing when certain causes receive more attention helps to maximise the effectiveness of their messages.

Editors and journalists

Editors and journalists will find in Google Trends an ally in choosing story topics that will resonate with the current audience. When an event is in the news, they can quickly gauge the general interest and adjust their coverage accordingly.

Entrepreneurs and start-ups

For the contractorsKnowing which product or service has the greatest market potential is crucial. Google Trends offers clear visibility of widespread consumer expectations and reveals untapped niche opportunities.

    1. Assessing the relevance of new products
    2. Keeping pace with emerging technologies
    3. Identifying the needs of local consumers

Advanced Google Trends features

Relative popularity index

Unlike absolute search volumes, Google Trends uses a relative popularity index. This index from 0 to 100 allows us to judge the relative interest in different terms on the same scale, making comparisons more meaningful.

Visual exploration of data

The tool provides visual representations such as line graphs and thermal maps that make trends easier to interpret and communicate to a team or business partners.

Practical applications of Google Trends

Seasonal sales forecasts

For companies with seasonal products, forecasting sales via Google Trends is a sensible approach. A toy manufacturer, for example, could adjust its production and stocks according to the peaks of interest observed each year.

Market analysis

Before entering a new market, professionals use Google Trends to understand what the latest trends are. local preferences and dominant products. This enables them to adapt their strategy and minimise the risk of commercial failure.

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