Definition of Google Tag Manager (GTM): the solution for optimised tag management

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Discover how Google Tag Manager (GTM) can simplify your work and improve the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns thanks to its tag management.

In this article, our Google Ads Agency offers you a complete definition of Google Tag Manager and advice on how to get the most out of it in terms of tracking performance and conversions 

Google Tag Manager

What is Google Tag Manager?

GTM is a free beacon management system developed by Google. It allows you to centralise and organise all the code and scripts relating to the tags present on a website or mobile application without needing to modify the source code.

This system makes it much easier to deploy, personalise and update tags for tracking, analysis, advertising and other marketing functions.

The main benefits of Google Tag Manager

1. Simplification of the beacon management process

Google Tag Manager makes it easy to manage all your tags on a single page. user interface intuitive. You can add, modify and deactivate tags at any time without touching the page source code. This significantly reduces the time and effort spent managing tags, as well as the costs associated with developing and maintaining them. maintenance.

2. Support for various tags and platforms

GTM supports a wide range of popular third-party beacons, including those from analytics, advertising and privacy tracking services. conversions. What's more, it works across multiple platforms, such as websites, mobile applications and AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages).

3. Safety and reliability

Security is a major concern for all website and mobile application owners. GTM offers robust security features to protect your data and your privacy. For example, it allows the use of white or black lists of authorised tags and variables to prevent the execution of unauthorised code that could cause security problems.

4. Collaboration and version control

GTM facilitates collaboration between different team members by offering role-based access control, with the ability to grant specific permissions to each user. It also provides an integrated version management system for tracking changes made to tags and containers, as well as restoring previous versions if necessary.

How do I get started with Google Tag Manager?

  1. Create a Google Tag Manager account: The first step is to create a GTM account using your existing Google Account or by creating a new account.
  2. Configure your container: The container is a main element of GTM where you will store all your tags and other related items. When you create a new GTM account, you will also need to create a new container to include your tags.
  3. Install the container code on your website or mobile application: Once the container has been created, you will need to add its code to all the pages of your website or in your mobile application. The code should be added just after opening the <body> to ensure correct and rapid operation of beacons installed via GTM.
  4. Add tags to your : In the GTM user interface, you can quickly and easily add tags to your container by selecting from a wide range of predefined tags available in the GTM tag gallery. You can also configure custom tags if required.
  5. Preview and test your : Before publishing your tags, always use GTM's integrated preview and test tool to make sure everything is working properly.
  6. Publish and track your tags: Once you're happy with the way your tags work, you can publish them and start tracking their performance.

A few tips for optimising the use of Google Tag Manager

Here are a few tips on how to get the most out of GTM:

  • Use variables and triggers : Variables make it easier to reuse information across different tags, and triggers allow you to specify the conditions under which tags should be executed. Learn how to work with these elements to manage your tags more effectively.
  • Organise your tags : Use clear, consistent names for your tags, triggers and variables to avoid any unintentional confusion. Also remember to create folders to organise your tags by category or function.
  • Follow the performance recommendations : GTM offers a number of tips for optimising performance, such as grouping tags with similar objectives, using asynchronous tags and adhering to container size guidelines. Follow these recommendations to ensure user experience on your website or mobile application.
  • Keep up to date with the latest news and updates: As GTM is constantly evolving, it is crucial to keep abreast of the latest features and enhancements in order to maximise your use of this beacon management system.

In a nutshell, Google Tag Manager is a powerful and essential tag management tool that makes the work of developers and marketers much easier..

With its intuitive interface and numerous security and collaboration features, it helps businesses to monitor their marketing campaigns more effectively and take full advantage of the potential of tags and codes to optimise their online presence.

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