Definition of Google Mobile Friendly

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Le Google Mobile Friendly is a term commonly used to describe websites optimised for mobile devices.

In today's ever-growing digital world, where more and more users are surfing the web on their smartphones and tablets, it's vital to provide a user experience adapted to these systems.

In this article, we're going to explore the essential characteristics of mobile-friendly sites and the criteria defined by Google to offer users a smooth and enjoyable browsing experience.

Google Mobile Friendly


A reminder of the concept of Responsive Web Design

Before we delve into understanding Google Mobile Friendly, it's worth recalling the concept of Responsive Web Design.

This involves creating a website which automatically adapts to the size of the screen on which it is displayed.

It optimises the display of page elements for different types of device (computers, smartphones, tablets). The responsive design is an important step towards creating a mobile-friendly site.

The main criteria for a mobile-friendly site according to Google

For your site to be considered mobile-friendly by Google, it must meet a number of essential requirements relating to ease of reading and use:

  1. Text size : Fonts must be large and legible enough, without requiring the user to zoom in.
  2. Fast charging : Pages must load quickly and display their content as a priority so as not to impact the user experience.
  3. Adaptability of images : Images should be automatically resized to fit the screen size, to avoid display problems.
  4. Ergonomics buttons : Clickable links and buttons should be large enough and well-spaced to make them easy to use on touch screens.
  5. Content structure : The organisation of information and visual elements must be optimised for quick and easy consultation on mobile devices.

The importance of loading time

When it comes to browsing on mobile devices, one of the most important criteria for Google is the page load times.

A site that is too slow to load can create a poor user experience and lead to users abandoning the page.

So, to meet user expectations and boost your natural referencing, it is essential to work on making your site lighter and optimising resources (images, scripts, files, etc.). CSS).

Compatibility with standard web technologies

Google also attaches great importance to the compatibility of a mobile-friendly site with standard web technologies, such as HTMLCSS and JavaScript.

It is preferable to avoid using technologies that are obsolete or not supported by the majority of mobile devices, such as Flash.

Use the Google Mobile Friendly Test tool to evaluate your site

To help you determine whether your website meets the Google Mobile Friendly criteria, the search giant is making available a free tool called Google Mobile Friendly Test.

This tool analyses the pages of your site and provides you with a full report on its compatibility with mobile devices, as well as recommendations for improving this optimisation if necessary.

Note: It is important to regularly check the status of your web pages in the Google Mobile Friendly Test tool, as your content and updates can have an impact on their performance on mobile.

Moving your site towards a mobile-first approach

In view of the ever-increasing proportion of traffic coming from smartphones and tablets, it is now advisable to adopt a strategy known as "mobile marketing". mobile first" This means thinking first and foremost about the mobile user experience when designing and optimising your website.

This approach ensures that priority functionalities and content are properly accessible and usable from mobile devices.

The competitive advantages of a mobile-friendly site

By offering a site designed and optimised for mobile devices, you are not only improving your visitors' experience, but also strengthening your online competitiveness. A mobile-friendly site offers a number of competitive advantages:

  • Better visibility in search engine results, thanks to Google's inclusion of mobile optimisation as a referencing criterion.
  • A rate of conversion potentially higher, thanks to easier navigation and functions adapted to touch screens.
  • An advantage in terms of brand image ande-reputationThis is because Internet users are increasingly sensitive to the level of quality of the sites they visit on their mobiles.

To sum up: key elements for a Google Mobile Friendly site

To offer the best possible user experience on mobile devices and meet the Google Mobile Friendly criteria, here are the main aspects to take into account when designing or improving your website:

  1. Responsive design : Adapting the design and structure of your site to different screen formats.
  2. Loading speed : Optimise resources for fast page display.
  3. Legibility : Make sure you use fonts that can be read effortlessly on mobile phones.
  4. Ergonomics : Make clickable links and buttons easily accessible on touch screens.
  5. Compatibility : Ensure that your site uses standard web technologies and avoids those that are obsolete or not supported by mobile devices.

By implementing these recommendations, you can significantly increase your chances of appearing in Google search results and offer your visitors a smoother, more enjoyable user experience on their mobile devices.

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