Understanding Google Discover SEO

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Google Discover Optimization

The world of SEO is constantly evolving and it's essential for companies and bloggers to keep abreast of the latest trends.

One of these trends is optimisation for Google Discover, a feature that allows users to discover new and relevant content based on their personal interests.

In this article, we'll explain 10 important points about Google Discover optimisation for SEO.

Google Discover Optimization

1. What is Google Discover?

Google Discover, formerly known as Google Feed, is a feature on the home page of the Google application that can also be accessed via the Chrome browser on mobile devices. It offers personalised content based on each user's interests and browsing habits. This feature allows users to discover content without having to carry out specific searches.

2. The potential of Google Discover

With more than800 million active usersGoogle Discover's potential to boost visibility and traffic for your business. website is considerable. Users can easily subscribe to topics of interest, offering them a continuous stream of relevant content directly in their news feed.

3. The importance of quality content

To be recommended on Google Discover, the content must be of high qualityrelevant and interesting to users. Articles that offer added value, such as advice, tips or detailed information on a specific subject, are more likely to be taken into account by Discover's selection algorithm.

4. Follow Google's guidelines

Google provides clear guidelines for optimising your content for Google Discover. This includes the creation of structured data to help Google read your content, as well as other good SEO practices such as meta tags and fast site loading times.

5. Effective use of images

Images play an important role in user engagement on Google Discover. We recommend using high-resolution images and attractive images that go well with the content, with minimum dimensions of 1200 x 630 pixels. Images must also be in a format that is suitable for mobile devices, as the majority of Google Discover users access content via their smartphone.

6. Focus on mobile referencing

As Google Discover is primarily focused on mobile devices, it is crucial to ensure that your website is optimised for smartphones and tablets. Having a responsive design, improving loading speed and checking accessibility on different mobile browsers will help to improve your ranking in Discover.

7. The importance of topicality and relevance

Google Discover values up-to-date and recent content, as well as topics of interest to users. To optimise your content for Discover, make sure it covers popular or fashionable subjectswithout sacrificing quality.

8. Seizing seasonal opportunities

To make the most of Google Discover's potential, it's a good idea to plan content around seasonal events or key moments in your sector. Articles on fashion trends during Fashion Week, for example, will have a better chance of appearing on Discover than articles that are off-topic.

9. Analysing performance with Search Console

Using analytical data can help you to better understand what type of content works well on Google Discover and to refine your natural referencing strategy. The " Performance "from Google Search Console offers detailed statistics on impressions, clicks and best-performing pages on Discover.10. Experiment and learn

As with any SEO strategy, it's important to remain agile and ready to adapt to changes in the Google Discover algorithm. Don't be afraid to experiment with different types of content, format and presentation, and use analytics to inform your future decisions.

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