Google Dance: deciphering and understanding the phenomenon for your SEO strategy

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As an essential element of a successful SEO strategy, the ranking of the results proposed by search engines is a major challenge for any website.

With its complex algorithms and constant changes, SEO requires constant monitoring by digital marketing managers.

One of the main events influencing the position of a site in the SERP is Google Dance.

Google Dance

Google Dance: a definition

The Google Dance is a term used by SEO specialists to describe the significant fluctuations in search result rankings (SERPs) during the updating search engine indices Google.

These temporal variations have a major impact on website visibility and traffic.

There may be a number of reasons for these fluctuations: changes in the algorithms used by Google to identify and index relevant web content, changes in the team responsible for the search engine or changes in user behaviour.

The main causes of a Google Dance

Updating algorithms

One of the origins of the Google Dance is the regular updating of Google's algorithms. The aim of these changes is to make search results ever more effective and relevant for web users. The algorithms are optimised to better understand the intent behind queries and to take into account new search criteria. new criteria such as security, compatibility with mobile devices and page loading speed.

New search engine features

Constantly on the lookout for ways to improve our offer user experience Google regularly introduces new features to make the search experience ever more satisfying. Some experts even consider that these elements, known as SERP Features, play an active role in the Google Dance by reorganising the results offered to Internet users.

Manual changes made by Google teams

Although Google is primarily an automated search engine, the way it works also involves human control. This applies in particular when the algorithm is unable to distinguish exactly which content should be classified as important. Google's teams then have to intervene and make manual changes by introducing specific examples into the algorithms, which can lead to significant fluctuations in rankings.

The impact of a Google Dance on your SEO ranking

When the Google Dance takes effect, it is common to see significant - sometimes spectacular - variations in the positions of websites in the SERPs.

A site can lose its dominant position or, on the contrary, rapidly climb the rankings. However, these fluctuations are often temporary and stabilise after a more or less long period.

Understanding the impact of updates

Webmasters often notice variations in SERP positioning when they carry out SEO audits. In such cases, it can be useful to carry out a precise analysis in order to determine whether the cause of these fluctuations is linked to Google Dance or to other external factors such as technical problems, content updates, etc.

Identify areas for improvement

When the Google Dance has a negative impact on your website, feedback can help you identify the causes of the problem. possible areas for improvement. For example, you can study the performance of your pages in terms of security, loading speed and compatibility with mobile devices. If you manage to optimise these aspects, you can then hope to gradually regain your lost position with future updates.

Tips for anticipating and limiting the consequences of Google Dance

With its unpredictable and potentially destabilising nature, it is vital to put in place a coherent and solid SEO strategy that partially overcomes the fluctuations generated by the different versions of Google Dance. Here are a few recommendations:

  • Opt for an approach based on the quality and usefulness of the content It's by providing visitors with valuable information and meeting their expectations that you will build visitor loyalty and that Google will be able to determine the relevance of your page.

  • Regularly adapt the design, structure and navigation User-friendliness: web consumption patterns are constantly evolving, and users are looking for a user-friendly experience. So make sure your site offers ergonomics and works on all devices (computers, tablets, smartphones).

  • Developing quality inbound and outbound links Links: the success of a site also lies in its ability to interact with other websites. By obtaining links to reliable and relevant sources, you will increase your site's "reputation" in the eyes of Google.

  • Regularly monitor all technical elements Clean IP address, speed of page display, compliance with title and meta-description tags... all these factors are essential to guarantee good SEO, so it's important to carry out regular, comprehensive SEO audits.

Finally, the third part consists of taking account of the fluctuations generated by the Google Dance by actively monitoring the information disseminated by the American firm itself.

Numerous articles, messages via Webmaster Tools or videos to help you better understand the changes that have taken place and prepare for the challenges ahead.

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