Geotargeting in digital marketing: a definition you need to know

by our SEA Agency and our Digital Marketing Agency Optimize 360

on Geo Targeting

In the world of digital marketing, the geo-targeting is a key concept for optimising your advertising campaigns and reaching your target audience more effectively. audience.

Let's find out how this innovative technique works.

Display campaigns

What is geo-targeting?

Geo-targeting consists of adapting the delivery of your advertisements according to the geographical location of Internet users.

This practice therefore makes it possible to precisely target people in a specific geographical area, in order to deliver hard-hitting, relevant messages that take account of their local context.

This method is based on geolocationA technological method for determining a user's location using information such as GPS coordinates, IP address, Wi-Fi and mobile data.

How does geotargeting work in digital marketing?

Geo-targeting is based mainly on three types of data:

  • Raw location data These are the geographical coordinates provided by satellite navigation systems such as GPS and GLONASS.
  • Location data based on IP address This data is collected by analysing the origin of the IP addresses of visitors to a site or application.
  • Location data based on WiFi and mobile networks This information is collected based on the availability and signal strength of wireless and mobile networks in the user's area.

Geo-targeting is generally used in digital marketing campaigns through the following channels online advertising platforms. The latter often offer advanced geographical targeting options: by country, region, city, but also according to a radius around a specific point (such as the user's home or a shop).

Example of the use of geo-targeting :

In some cases, you may need to target different hearings based on their geographical location. For example, if you are a clothing brand with specific ranges for different climates, it would be very interesting to set up geo-targeting so that you only show ads that correspond to the climatic conditions of each user.

The benefits of geotargeting for your marketing strategy

There are several advantages to using geo-targeting in your digital marketing campaigns:

  1. More relevant advertising messages : By taking into account users' geographical location, you can display ads that are more relevant and in line with their expectations. As a result, you not only improve audience engagement, but also your company's brand image.
  2. Optimising your advertising budget By broadcasting your messages only to people in a specific geographical area, you avoid wasting your budget on targets who will never be interested in your products or services.
  3. Better return on investment (ROI) Geo-targeting: Thanks to the advantages mentioned above, geo-targeting enables you to achieve better results with an equivalent budget, which translates into a higher ROI for your campaigns.

Further information: the different geotargeting techniques

In addition to simple geo-targeting based on the user's geographical location, there are other methods that take greater account of the user's local context. They can be used to further refine your marketing strategy and create ever more effective campaigns:


This approach goes further than simple geo-targeting by adding new dimensions linked to location, such as the weather, local culture or socio-economic context. The idea is to use this data to adapt the advertising message and reach the target more effectively.


Geo-fencing is a method of defining a precise geographical area in order to display specific advertising. For example, when web users enter this zone with their smartphone, they can receive notifications or see ads linked to local offers.

Marketing proximity

This is a geo-targeting approach that aims to push promotional messages based on the proximity of users to a specific point of interest (such as a shop, an event, etc.). This technique relies in particular on Beacon and RFID technologies, which detect the presence of users close to a given object or location.

In conclusion, geo-targeting is an essential method for optimising your digital marketing campaigns. Thanks to this approach, you can deliver advertising messages that are relevant and tailored to Internet users according to their location, while improving the use of your budget and the ROI of your campaigns.

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