Free SEO tracking: your guide to optimising your online visibility

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Free referencing follow-up

The world of the web is evolving rapidly and to be visible with Internet users, SEO monitoring is essential.

Whether you are a professional or an individual, there are free solutions to help you better understand the issues involved in search engine optimisation and improve your ranking on search engines, such as Google.

free referencing

Definition and objectives of free referencing monitoring

Le referencing follow-upSEO (Search Engine Optimization) monitoring consists of analysing the visibility of a website on search engines. Its main objective is to optimise this visibility by adjusting various elements of the site according to their ranking criteria, in order to achieve a better position in the search results.

To do this, it is essential to know the key indicators for measuring a site's performance in terms of free referencing. Here are some of these indicators:

  • Average position of the site in search results
  • The level of indexation of the site by search engines
  • Relevant keywords around which the site wishes to position itself
  • Analysis of backlinks (inbound and outbound links)
  • Overall site traffic data over a given period

These indicators are essential for a better understanding of the impact of SEO on your site's visibility, and for identifying areas for improvement.

Use free tools to monitor your search engine optimisation

In order to achieve a free referencing follow-upFor this reason, it's important to have the right, high-performance tools at your disposal. There are several solutions:

1. Google Search Console

As one of the main players in SEO is the search engine Google, it is essential to use this tool, which is provided free of charge by Google. In particular, it allows you to monitor the indexing of your site and check that you are complying with Google's SEO rules.

It will also provide you with valuable data such as the average positioning of your site on certain keywords and the number of clicks generated by your pages in the search results.

2. Dedicated browser extensions

Other tools are available in the form of extensions for web browsers such as Chrome or Firefox.

These extensions include SEOquake and MozBar, which offer on-page analyses of your pages (share structure and meta-descriptions, keyword density, presence of alt tags on images, etc.) as well as popularity and backlink assessments.

3. Sites specialising in SEO tracking

Finally, a number of websites offer free solutions for tracking key website SEO indicators.

These services are generally limited in terms of options and features, but they can be useful for taking your first steps in this discipline. They include UbersuggestSEObility and Serpstatsome of which also offer more comprehensive pay-as-you-go versions.

Analyse the results to improve your ranking

Using these tools or solutions is not enough to guarantee better positioning in the search results. It is just as important to understand the data provided and to identify how to optimise your site according to the problems identified. Here are a few guidelines to follow:

1. Choosing the right keywords

Finding the keywords you want to rank for is a crucial step in improving your SEO. Take into consideration the relevance of these words to your sector of activity, their level of competition and their associated search volume. It is also important to give priority to long-tail expressions (keywords made up of several terms), as they often provide access to qualified traffic and better conversion.

2. Creating quality content that meets the expectations of Internet users

A website rich in content that is relevant, informative and useful to the user is generally rewarded with a better position in search results. Take into account the needs and expectations of your target audience by producing content that responds to their issues, using a variety of formats (news articles, articles on the Internet, etc.). blogvideo, computer graphicsetc.) and by technically optimising your pages.

3. Technical optimisation of your site

A site's SEO performance can be affected by a number of technical variables. These include :

    • Check the loading speed of your pages and their compatibility on different devices (mobiles, tablets, computers) and browsers
    • Ensuring code quality HTML and compliance with current standards
    • Optimising your site's internal and external link structure
    • Adopt a internal networking intelligent and consistent across your different pages

With free SEO tracking, you can measure and track your site's key performance indicators and improve its online visibility.

Take advantage of the tools available and the advice given to increase your presence on search engines and achieve significant objectives for your business.

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