Understanding front page images in SEO: a 10-point guide

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Featured Image in SEO

In the world of SEO, optimising images is essential for improving the visibility and credibility of your site. website.

One of the best practices is to use a Featured imagealso known as "Featured Image".

In this article, we'll take an in-depth look at this concept and see how you can make the most of the features it offers.

Featured Image

1. What is a front page image in SEO?

A front page image is an image that illustrates and highlights an article or page on your website. It is widely used in CMS as WordPressIt plays a key role in attracting readers' attention and encouraging sharing on social networks. In terms of SEO, having an optimised front page image can considerably influence a site's ranking in search engines such as Google.

2. The SEO benefits of a front-page image

  • Attracting attention : An eye-catching and relevant headline image can effectively capture the attention of Internet users conducting a search. This can encourage them to click on your link.
  • Social influence : Images are often shared on social networks, which generates additional traffic to the page in question. A large number of shares of a well-optimised front page image can boost awareness of your site and improve its natural referencing.
  • Search engine optimisation : Search engines attach great importance to visual content, especially images. A well-optimised front-page image contributes to the favourable positioning of the associated page in search results.

3. Criteria for an SEO-optimised front page image

  • Image size : Make sure you choose an appropriate size for your front page image, one that displays correctly on all types of screen (computer, tablet, smartphone) without unnecessarily slowing down the page load time.
  • Image format : Choose popular image formats such as JPEG or PNGwhich are generally better supported by browsers and more compatible with search engine requirements.
  • Key words : Include relevant keywords in the file name and in the alt tag of your front page image. This makes it easier for search engines to index and understand the image.
  • Good quality : Provide a good quality, crisp and clear front page image that makes a positive impression on web users and is attractive to search engines.

4. How do you choose a relevant front page image?

The choice of a front page image should be made judiciously, taking into account the theme of the article or page concerned and ensuring that it is representative of the content proposed. Also remember to use royalty-free or Creative Commons-licensed images to avoid any legal problems relating to copyright.

5. The role of HTML tags in optimising front page images

The use of tags HTML including alt tags and titletags are essential for optimising a front-page image for SEO purposes. These tags give search engines a context for the image and improve indexing of the associated page.

Alt tag :

This tag describes the image in a concise and relevant way, including keywords related to the content of the page. Example: <img src=" »image-a-la-une.jpg »" alt=" &quot; Illustration" de l’article sur les bienfaits du yoga »>

Title tag :

La title tag provides additional information about the image when a web user hovers over it with their mouse. It must be different from the alt tag but can include certain similar keywords. Example: <img src=" »image-a-la-une.jpg »" alt=" &quot; Illustration" de l’article sur les bienfaits du yoga » title=" &quot;Find out more" vertus>

6. The importance of good image referencing for positioning in featured snippets

Good SEO of front-page images can help a page find its way to the top. zero position (or "featured snippet "This will considerably increase its visibility and click-through rate. To maximise your chances, make sure that your front page image meets the criteria listed above and that it accompanies well-structured, concise and informative textual content.

7. The front page image as a visual communication tool

In addition to its SEO benefits, a front page image is also a powerful communication tool for your website. A well-chosen, high-quality image reinforces the impact of your message, encourages visitors to read it and makes it easier for them to remember your content.

8. The role of the context around the headline image

The context surrounding a front page image also plays a decisive role in its SEO effectiveness. So make sure you surround your image with relevant, well-constructed text, as well as relevant internal and external links, to help search engines understand the associated content.

9. Mistakes to avoid with front page images

Here are some common mistakes to avoid when using headline images:

  1. Use images that are too large and slow down page loading times
  2. Ignore alt and title tags when inserting images
  3. Not choosing an image that is consistent with the content of the page or article
  4. Not compressing the image sufficiently before insertion to improve site loading time

10. Tools for optimising your front page images

To help you optimise your headline images, there are a number of free and paid tools available online, such as TinyPNG (image compression), Canva (custom creation) or Google Search Console (image error analysis). Don't hesitate to use them to perfect your SEO strategy for front page images.

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