Definition of Evergreen Content (and its role in SEO)

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L'evergreen contentor timeless content, is a key element in the world of natural search engine optimisation (SEO). Unlike news content, which quickly becomes obsolete, the evergreen content retain their relevance and value for an extended period.

In this article, our SEO Agency looks at the definition of evergreen content, its benefits and how to integrate it into your content strategy.

Evergreen Content

What is Evergreen Content?

The expression evergreen content "refers to articles, videos, images or any other type of content that remains relevant and useful to Internet users over the long term.

This type of content is of constant interest, does not lose its value over time and is not dependent on current trends or events.

The subjects covered are generally wide-ranging and universal, such as health advice, practical guides to learning a new skill or cooking recipes.

The benefits of Evergreen Content for SEO

Long-term relevance :

The main advantage of evergreen content is that it retains its interest and value over time. This means you won't need to update this content regularly, and it will continue to attract constant SEO traffic to your site.

Acquiring backlinks :

Le timeless content is often cited as a reference by other websites and blogs. This leads to the natural acquisition of inbound links or " backlinks" These are a major element in search engine algorithms for determining the quality and relevance of a site. The more quality backlinks you have, the more relevant your site will be. visible and its positions on search engines will be good.

Improving internal networking :

Adding evergreen content to your site also allows you toimprove internal networkingIn other words, the number of internal links between your different pages. Search engines consider that this configuration facilitates navigation and improves the ranking of your site.user experiencewhich has a positive impact on your site's ranking.

How can you incorporate Evergreen Content into your content strategy?

Identifying evergreen subjects :

The first step is to draw up a list of relevant and timeless topics for your audience. You can draw inspiration from the questions frequently asked by your customers, the problems commonly encountered in your field of activity or the specific skills your visitors are looking to acquire.

Publish evergreen content regularly:

To take advantage of evergreen content, it is important to regularly publish this type of content on your website or blog. This maintains a constant flow of SEO traffic and gradually increases the number of backlinks and internal links.

The frequency of publication will depend on your resources and the size of your company, but try to publish at least one timeless article every month to complement your other types of content (news, case studies, etc.).

Updating existing content:

It is also possible to transform some of your old content into evergreen contentby updating them to keep them relevant and interesting for web users. For example, you can remove references to past events, add more recent information or change the title to reflect a universal aspect of the subject.

Examples of evergreen content

To give you an idea of what timeless subjects can be, here are a few examples that generally have broad appeal and retain their relevance over time:

  • Tips for getting a good night's sleep
  • How to look after your houseplants
  • Tutorials on using popular software
  • The best chocolate cake recipes
  • The steps involved in setting up a company
  • Tips for a successful job interview

Provisional conclusion

Evergreen Content is a major asset for your SEO strategy. By regularly offering timeless content that retains its interest over the long term, you can improve your website's visibility and attract qualified traffic, which translates into better rankings in search engine results.

It is therefore advisable to always include Evergreen Content in your content strategy to maximise its potential in terms of SEO traffic acquisition and online visibility.

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