Understanding event tracking in digital marketing

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Event Tracking

In the world of digital marketing, it is essential to track and analyse user behaviour in order to optimise the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and improve the "user experience".user experience.

One of the methods used for this is Event Tracking.

In this article, we'll take a 10-point look at what event tracking is and why it's crucial to any digital marketing strategy.

Event Tracking

1. Definition of Event Tracking

Event tracking is a technique for collecting data on users' interactions with your website. website or mobile application. Events can be clicks on buttons, the opening of a drop-down menu, the playing of a video, and so on. This method offers a better understanding of how your platform is used and provides valuable information for improving its operation and performance.

2. Why use Event Tracking?

Event tracking provides key information about the elements that users interact with most often and the pages where they spend time. This enables you to identify the parts of your website or application that attract users' attention and those that need to be improved. Thanks to this data, you can adapt your digital marketing campaigns, personalise the user experience even further and increase the number of visitors to your site. conversion.

3. Events to follow

There are many different types of event that you can track with Event Tracking. Here are just a few examples:

  • Clicking buttons : Buttons play an important role in navigation and conversion on your site or application. Tracking clicks can help you identify which buttons are effective and which need to be optimised.
  • Opening drop-down menus : This will help you to understand how users interact with your menus and whether they are understandable and easy to use.
  • Video playback : This tracking can give you an overview of the level of user engagement with your video content and any improvements that need to be made.
  • Contact form : Tracking form submissions can indicate how many people choose to contact you via your website or application, and the data captured can also provide valuable information about these users.
  • Downloading a document : This is particularly useful for measuring interest in certain downloadable resources, such as documentation.

4. How do I set up Event Tracking?

Setting up Event Tracking depends on the platform you use to analyse the data collected. Google Analytics is one of the most popular platforms for event tracking, but there are others such as Matomo (formerly Piwik) and Adobe Analytics. Most of these platforms offer similar functionality and require specific tracking code to be integrated into your website or application.

5. Event tracking with Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free and widely used tool for measuring the performance of a website or mobile application. To activate Event Tracking with Google Analytics, you need to integrate a script on your site followed by a tracking code specific to each element you wish to track. For example, to track clicks on a button, you could embed the following code:

In this example, "Button" corresponds to the event category, "click" to the event action and "My Button" to the event label. You can customise these values to suit your needs and adapt the tracking to your digital marketing strategy.

6. The importance of clear organisation of events

To take full advantage of the data collected through Event Tracking, it is essential to clearly organise events and define a logical structure. This can be achieved by creating categories that group similar events together, defining precise and consistent action names and assigning an easily identifiable label name to each event. This will make it easier to analyse the data and implement improvements based on this information.

7. Analysing event data

Once you've implemented Event Tracking and started collecting data on user interactions with your website or mobile application, it's important to analyse this information to identify trends and areas for improvement. Most analytics platforms offer detailed reports on events tracked, showing information such as the total number of events, the number of events by type, the traffic sources generating the most events and a breakdown of events by user.

8. Adapt your marketing strategy according to the results

The data obtained from Event Tracking can be used to adapt your digital marketing strategy and optimise your advertising campaigns. For example, if you find that a certain type of video content generates much more engagement than others, you can focus more effort on creating that type of content. Similarly, if a particular button receives very few clicks, you can explore different approaches to improving its visibility and appeal.

9. Testing and optimisation

Once you've identified potential areas for improvement and implemented changes, it's crucial to continue monitoring the impact of these changes on the performance of your website or mobile application. Use Event Tracking to test different options and determine which are most effective in achieving your marketing objectives.

10. Don't limit yourself to the Web

Event tracking doesn't have to be limited to websites and mobile applications - it can also be applied to other platforms, such as email marketing, social networks and even offline online campaigns. Analysing event data from multiple channels gives you a complete and holistic view of the success of your digital marketing efforts.

In summary, Event Tracking is an invaluable tool for any digital marketing strategy, offering a rich range of information about user interactions with your website or mobile application. By analysing this data, you can identify trends and areas for improvement, adjust your marketing strategy accordingly and, ultimately, increase the number of visitors to your site. conversion rate and achieve your business objectives.

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