Understanding and optimising EAT in SEO: the keys to success

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EAT Optimization

In the world of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), there is one concept that is essential to the success of a website website or a blog the EAT. Standing for Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness, these three elements enable search engines such as Google to assess the quality of online content.

But what exactly is EAT Optimization, and how can you make the most of it?

Discover the 10 key points for mastering and improving your EAT in this article.

EAT Optimization

1. What is Expertise?

Expertise refers to a person's or organisation's level of skill and knowledge in a specific field. In terms of SEO, this means that content should be written by experts who are recognised in their sector and able to provide relevant and accurate information to web users. The presence of an expert author increases the credibility of the content proposed and helps it to be referenced by search engines. The more informative and detailed your content is, the more it will be considered expert..

2. Authoritativeness, or the importance of brand awareness

Authority is the recognition and respect accorded to an individual or entity in a given field. In SEO, this notion corresponds to the reputation of a website or an author in the eyes of Internet users and search engines. Content that is judged to be authoritative is therefore more likely to appear in a good position in search results.

How can you strengthen your Authoritativeness?

    • Present your qualifications, skills or professional experience on your website or blog.
    • Write quality content regularly and share it on social networks to improve your visibility.
    • Get backlinks (inbound links) from well-referenced websites that are themselves highly authoritative.

3. Trustworthiness, guaranteeing the credibility of content

Trustworthiness is the level of confidence that can be placed in an individual, an organisation or a source of information. For search engines such as Google, this notion refers in particular to the security of a website, the relevance of its content and the transparency of the information provided.

Tips for improving Trustworthiness :

    1. Ensure the security of your website: use an SSL certificate and guarantee the protection of your users' personal data.
    2. Provide proof of your assertions: when you write content that is based on facts, don't hesitate to cite your sources and link to them via internal or external links.
    3. Take care with the look and navigation of your website: a clean, professional and ergonomic design can help build a relationship of trust with web users.

4. Quality content, the key to successful SEO

To strengthen your EAT, it is essential to ensure that the the quality of the content you offer on your website or blog. Here are a few tips to help you write better articles:

  • Write original, informative texts: avoid copying and pasting basic information that's already all over the internet.
  • Use your teaching skills to make your articles understandable to everyone.
  • Structure your articles using different headings (H1, H2, H3) and paragraphs to make them easier to read.

5. Keywords, at the heart of the EAT strategy

Keywords play an essential role in natural referencing and therefore in EAT Optimisation. Identify the relevant terms that your readers are looking for and include them in moderation in your content. Make sure that they are consistent with the theme of your article and that they add value to the subject.

6. The importance of a solid internal mesh

Le internal networkingor the strategy of internal links between your articles and pages on your website, is an essential part of improving your credibility in the eyes of the search engines. This will enable them to understand the links that exist between the different themes you cover on your site, while making it easier for your visitors to navigate.

Tips for good internal linking :

    • Include links to other articles on your blog in all your content to help readers learn more about the subject.
    • Make sure that these links are relevant and complementary to the content in which they are inserted.
    • Avoid broken links or unnecessary redirects: a broken link can harm theuser experience and therefore the reputation of your website in the eyes of Google.

7. Adapting to mobile devices

Today, more and more web users are consulting content via their smartphone or tablet. It is therefore essential to provide a version of your site or blog that is optimised for these devices to ensure a pleasant user experience, whatever the means used to access your content. A website responsive designwhich automatically adapts to the size of the screen, is often the best response to this problem.

8. Regularly updating your content

To ensure good EAT Optimisation, it's important to regularly check and update the content of your website or blog. This attention to the quality and relevance of your articles also shows Google that you are an expert in your field and that you take care to provide your readers with up-to-date information.

9. The choice of images and media

Images and other media (videos, infographics, etc.) are excellent ways of supporting your message and making your content more attractive. However, make sure you follow certain rules so that they don't detract from the quality of your content:

  • Choose visuals that relate to the subject.
  • Check that they are free of copyright or credit their authors.
  • Optimise their weight so as not to slow down the loading of your page.

10. Listening to user feedback

Finally, don't forget that your visitors' opinions and comments are a mine of valuable information for improving your EAT Optimisation. Take their criticisms and suggestions into account so that you can adapt your content to meet their needs as closely as possible.

In a nutshell, EAT Optimization is based on the implementation of various techniques aimed at reinforcing the expertise, authority and reliability of an author or a website. If you want to improve your natural referencing and the visibility of your online content, applying these tips should enable you to better meet the expectations of search engines such as Google.

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